(HC) A Way Out

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I went back through and watched the MCU Spider-Man movies recently, and as you can see, they gave me ideas. 

"See for me, it would be f Thor, marry Iron Man, and kill Hulk." You nodded along to Betty's placements, definitely agreeing with that. Marrying someone rich like Iron Man would be amazing. A life of luxury where you didn't have to worry about your next paycheck? You'd sign up.

Stef, who sat next to you, put her chin on her hand and leaned closer to the 4 of you. "What about the Spider-Man?"

"What do you mean?" you asked, confused why she worded it like that. Like where would you place him on F, Marry, Kill?

"I think he's amazing," Liz blushed, looking down at her folded hands. You laughed, bumping her shoulder as the other girls made faces.

"Somebody's got a crush!" Betty teased.

"I mean, kind of," Liz mumbled, smiling despite her embarrassment.

"He's probably like 30," Betty said.

"But he wears a mask, I mean, what if he's seriously burned?" Stef made a face at the thought.

"I wouldn't care, I'd love him for who he is on the inside." You rolled your eyes. What a pick-me response.

"Peter knows Spider-Man!" The voice caught the entire gym's attention, and you all turned to see a chubby kid with another boy racing after him, looking panicked.

"I mean, I guess, yeah, I've met him a couple times." The boy started playing with his hands, looking both embarrassed and irritated. "Yeah, I'm not really supposed to talk about it." You missed the look he sent his friend but you were sure it wasn't happy.

"You should invite him to Liz's party," Stef said, glancing at her friend teasingly.

"Party?" the boy asked.

"Yeah, I'm having people over tonight, you're more than welcome to come." Liz said politely. The boy looked ecstatic but tried very unsuccessfully to not show it.

"Bring your friend too," you chimed in. Ned perked up at that. Though you had meant Spider-Man, he was welcome too. The bell rang, announcing the end of class, and the girls all left for the bathroom. The boy turned to his friend to quietly yell at him as you walked up to the pair.

"Have I seen you before?" you asked, eyeing the boy Peter(?) closely.

"Um..." It took him a couple seconds to respond, clearly not expecting a popular girl to still be talking to him. "Maybe?"

"Maybe around the FEAST center?" you added.

"Oh, yeah! My aunt works there, and I swing by sometimes." He clamped his mouth shut like he said something he shouldn't have, but you snapped your fingers.

"That's right! Cool. Well, if you guys need a ride to Liz's, let me know. I doubt you know the address."

"That would be great!" the kid next to him chimed in, all smiles.

"Cool." You held up a fist and the kid happily bumped it. You offered it to Peter and he hit it too, still absolutely shell shocked.


"Sorry about the mess," you said, throwing a box into the trunk as the 2 boys climbed into the backseat. "I was busy helping your Aunt all night." You held up a sandwich. "Tell her she makes a killer sandwich, please."

"Sure," Peter smiled. You could tell he was nervous, just based on how stiff he was sitting and forced the smile was on his anxious expression. He rolled up his sleeve for a moment then breathed in deeply to calm down. "She told me you're the hardest worker at FEAST." You laughed.

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