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Hayden: I don't know, but i wanna find out. Cira: Okay. Amara: We're staying here, while you're talking with your dad. Hayden: Okay. Hayden goes over to his dad. Hayden: Hey, dad. Randall: Hey, Hayden. Hayden: What are you doing here? Randall: I'm helping with the new restaurant, because i bought it. Hayden: Okay, that's really cool, dad. Randall: When it's finished, you and Amara make food there, if you want to. Hayden: Are you building a restaurant, so i can fullfill my dream to become a cook? Randall: Yes. Hayden: Thanks, dad. Hayden gives his dad a hug. Hayden: When will it be done? Randall: Maybe next year. Hayden: Okay, dad. After that, Hayden goes over to Amara, Cira and Alex. Cira: Did you find out what dad is doing here? Hayden: Yes. Cira: What did he say? Hayden: He told me, that is helping with building the new restaurant. Cira: Okay. Alex: What are we gonna do now? Cira: I don't know. Amara: I wanna go home. Hayden: Me too. Cira: Okay, let's go home. Hayden, Amara and Cira goes home. And Alex goes home. Next day: At home: It's afternoon: Amara is looking at her email, if there's anything new about the apartment, but nothing is there yet. Hayden sees her and goes over to her. Hayden: Hey, what were you looking at on your phone? Amara: Nothing. Hayden: That's not true. Amara: Okay, i just looking at things. Hayden: What things? Amara: It's nothing, okay. Hayden: Okay, sorry for asking. Amara: It's fine, i just looking at my email. Hayden: When did you start to have an email? Amara: I only had my email for one week. Hayden: Okay. Hayden goes over to the toilet and is knocking on the bathroom door. Hayden: Cira, are you in there? Cira: Yes, i'm almost done. Hayden: What's taking you so long in there? Cira suddenly comes out from the bathroom, in a good looking dress. Hayden is looking at his sister with a weird look.

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