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Cira: Alex. Alex: Cira, you look very beautiful. Cira: Thanks, you look great too. Alex: Thanks. Ava: Come here you two, i'm gonna take a picture of you both. Ava takes a picture of Cira and her boyfriend Alex. Suddenly Hayden is coming into the rest of the family. Ava: Hayden, you look handsome. Hayden: Thanks, mom. Suddenly it's ringing on the door again, Cira opens the door, and then Hayden can see Amara in her prom dress. Hayden: Wow, i was right, you really are the most beautiful girl. Amara: Thanks, you look handsome. Hayden: Thanks. Ava: I have to take a picture of you two, come here. Ava takes a picture of Hayden, and his girlfriend Amara. Randall: You all look great. Cira: Thanks, dad. Hayden: Thanks, dad. Amara: Thanks. Alex: Thanks. After that, they are all going to the prom. At the prom: They are all at the prom, they are dancing with their dates, and they are having fun. Hayden and Amara are dancing together, and then they are talking, while they are dancing. Amara: I didn't know you were so good at dancing. Hayden: We still have much to learn about each other. Amara: Yes, you're right, we should learn to know more about each other, and take it slow, one day at the time. Hayden: Yeah, that's a great idea, i like that. Amara is smiling to Hayden, he smiles back to her. Suddenly, their teacher is coming in to make a speech to the whole school. Teacher: I'm sorry to disturb your evening, but now we're gonna find out who the prom king and queen is. Everyone is listening to the teacher. Teacher: The prom queen is, Amara . Amara goes up to the teacher, and get's crowned as the prom queen. Teacher: And now to the prom king, and the prom king is, Hayden. Hayden goes up to the teacher, and get's crowned as the prom king. Teacher: Hayden and Amara, are the prom king and queen.

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