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Mace: No, it wasn't okay, i'm just trying to find new friends, but it's very hard for me. Mace is about to cry, and Hayden sees it. Hayden: It hasn't been easy for me either, because it's my first time attending to a school. Mace: Okay. Hayden: We can be friends, if you want to? Mace: Yes, i would like that. Hayden: Okay, we're friends. Mace: I'm happy that me and Alex are friends with you. Hayden: Me too, my dad is a social worker, he can maybe help you and Alex. Mace: Do you think so? Hayden: Yes, we can ask him. Mace: Okay. Alex: Where are we going? Mace: We're going with Hayden, trust me, okay. Alex: Okay. Hayden: You don't have to be shy, i have a very nice family. Alex: Okay. Mace and Alex goes with Hayden. A little later: At home: Hayden comes home, along with Mace and Alex. Ava and Randall sees them. Randall: Hey, Hayden, is that your friends? Hayden: Dad, can we talk? Randall: Yeah, what's wrong? Hayden: Mace and Alex, they don't have a home. Randall: I already know about Mace and Alex. Hayden: You do? Randall: Yes. Ava hears it and goes over to them. Ava: Hey, i'm Ava, i'm Hayden and Cira's mom. Mace: Hey. Alex: Hey. Ava: Would you like to sleep here for the night? Mace: Yes. Alex: Yes. Mace: Thanks. Suddenly is Amara coming out to the rest of the family, and then she sees Mace and Alex. Mace sees her. Mace: Hey, Amara. Amara: Hey, what are you doing here? Mace: Me and Alex are staying here for the night. Amara: Okay, is that your brother? Mace: Yes, it is. Amara: Okay, hey, i'm Amara. Alex: Hey, i'm Alex. Amara: Nice to meet you. Alex: Thanks. Randall: I'm gonna make some calls tomorrow, you two need a place to stay. Mace: Yeah. After some hours: It's almost night, and everyone is getting ready to go to bed. Mace: Where are we gonna sleep? Ava: You can sleep in Hayden's room, with Hayden. Mace: Okay. Alex: What about me? Ava: You can sleep on the couch.

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