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Adalyn: Okay, good luck. Amara: Thanks. Amara goes out to the bus, she takes the bus out to the hospital. In the bus: Amara's phone is ringing, she takes her phone. Amara: It's Amara. Hayden: It's Hayden. Amara: Hey. Hayden: Are you still at work? Amara: No, i'm in the city. Hayden: Okay, i just got home. Amara: Okay, i gotta go. After some minutes: Amara going out of the bus, and into the hospital. Inside at the hospital: Amara sees Ava and goes over to her. Ava: Hey, Amara, what are you doing here? Amara: I really need you to do something for me, if you can? Ava: Of course, what's it about? Amara: I don't feel good, can you please check what's wrong with me? Ava: Yeah, sure, come with me. Amara: Okay. Amara goes with Ava into the hospital room. In the hospital room: Ava: Where does it hurt? Amara: I keep on throwing up, i think i have been eating something, that i can't stand. Ava: Can i ask you a personal question? Amara: Yes. Ava: Have you and Hayden had sex? Amara: Yes, we had, are you mad at us? Ava: No, i'm not mad, when did you start to have sex with my son? Amara: It's been some months ago. Ava: Okay, you better lay down. Amara: Okay. Amara lays down on the hospital bed, so Ava can examine her. After some minutes: Amara and Ava are talking. Amara: What's wrong with me? Ava: Nothing is wrong with you, but you're pregnant. Amara: What? Ava: You're pregnant, you're having a baby. Amara: Okay, but i have a question? Ava: And what is that? Amara: Can you see how far i am in my pregnancy? Ava: Yes, you're almost 2 months in your pregnancy. Amara: Almost 2 months, how did it happen so fast? Ava: It happend after you and Hayden had sex, i think. Amara: Yeah, you're right, even if we used protection, but his condom broke down, but how am i gonna tell that i'm pregnant to Hayden? Ava: He deserves to know.

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