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Suddenly Amara is coming in, and then Hayden sees her. Teacher: This is Amara, is there anyone of you, who knows her? Hayden reaches his hand up. Hayden: I know her. Teacher: That's great, you two can be cooking class partners. Amara goes over to Hayden, and stands next to him. Amara: Hey. Hayden: Hey. Teacher: We have 2 hours to cook something and eat it, everyone is gonna cook something easy, and we're all gonna help each other with clear up, but let's make some good food. After that, the six students makes different food, and then they are eating their food. After that, they clean up, and then the school day is over, and they go outside. Hayden: Amara, wait. Amara: Yes. Hayden: Can i ask you something? Amara: Hayden, i'm busy. Hayden: Why haven't we been talking in a few days? Amara: That's because i just wanted to be myself. Hayden: Okay, that's great, but why are you taking cooking class? Amara: Because i wanna get better at cooking. Hayden: Okay. Amara: Because i'm getting older, i can get my own place, and then i need know how to cook. Hayden: Okay, that's good, but i thought that we were friends. Amara: We are friends. Hayden: Okay, that's good. Amara: I'm sorry, that i didn't talked with you for a few days. Hayden: It's okay, i forgive you. Amara: Thanks. Hayden gives Amara a hug, before he goes. Later: It's evening: At home: Hayden and his family are eating dinner, and they are talking. Hayden: Guess who's taking cooking class at the school? Ava: Is it Amara? Hayden: Yeah, how do you know? Amara: Your family knows, because i told them about it. Hayden Oh, okay. Randall: How is it going with you two taking cooking class together? Hayden: It's going great. Randall: That's good. Hayden: Yeah, did you tell them anything else? Amara: No, i didn't. Hayden: Okay, our teacher wants us to be cooking partners. Ava: That's great, then you both can talk more. Hayden: I know. Amara: Let's talk about something else than school. Ava: Okay. Randall: What do you wanna talk about? Amara: I don't know, i don't really have much to say. Randall: Okay. Hayden: Mom, dad, i can soon begin to work more hours at the store. Ava: That's great. Hayden: Yeah, it is. Next day: At the school: In the cooking class: Hayden and his four friends, are already in the cooking class, and then Amara is coming. Hayden is looking at Amara. Mace: Hayden, how long are you gonna wait to get her back again?

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