Chapter 11 - Committed

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[Correlates with Chapter 25-26 of Don't Fall For The Criminal. Book 1]

No words can describe how fucking pissed off I am. Today is awful. We only got a few of the guys when we got to the warehouse, but it wasn't the ones we needed to take out. So we're screwed and they know we are after them.

So now I'm drunk with the guys meeting up with Mackenzie and her friends at this party. It better not be a stupid party.

"Bro!" Travis said as he stopped us from walking. He looked worried as he turned around to look at me and Hunter

"What?" Hunter asked before I could.

"Look at the girls arm who's talking to Mackenzie and the girls." He said as he pointed. My eyes traveled to them. My eyes widened and my heart dropped. She has the same tattoo all of Adams gang has.

They found her.

"Fuck!" I said loudly and stomped passed Travis. I'll kill them. I stepped in front of Mackenzie quickly. I was getting so mad to the point where I could black out. Let's hope I don't.

"Fuck off" I said to the girl. She rolled her eyes and rolled away. I turned around to face Mackenzie.

"Why did you do that?" She asked me confused.

"You can't talk to her" I told her. She crossed her arms. Oh here we go with the stubbornness.

"What? Why?" She asked me.

"You just can't" I said rolled my eyes. I'm not explaining this to her here. Not in front of people.

"Why? Is she your ex or something-" I cut her off.

"No Mackenzie!" I snapped at her. "Stop fucking asking questions! You can't go anywhere with her or her friends. Don't even talk to them" I raised my voice a little bit. She looked shocked.

"Who are you to think you have the audacity to say where I can and can't go and who I can and can't talk to! You're messed up" She snapped back at me. And that set me off... I took a step closer to her.

"I'll say whatever the fuck I want to say. I'm Jason McCann. I'll tell you to do what ever I fucking want and you listen. You don't know half the things I'm capable of" I said and held my finger up. I felt the boys pull me back and I don't know why. Till I looked back at her face and she was terrified. She stared back at me with shock and fear.

Her friends grabbed her and pulled her away from me.

"Bro what the fuck?" Travis said as he stood in front of me. "It's not her fault. She doesn't fucking know she has to watch out for that girl!" He snapped at me. I just shook my head and headed for the door. I walked outside and spotted Mackenzie with her friends surrounding her. Gigi looked back and rolled her eyes when she saw me.

"Stay away" She said to me. Now I rolled my eyes and looked at Mackenzie as I kept walking towards her. She looked up and locked eyes with me. She looked scared and I felt awful. I never wanted to scare her. Sometimes my anger gets the best of me. Especially when I'm drinking the way I am tonight. I sighed as I reached her.

"Let me talk to her please" I said so her friends can step away. They only took a few steps back. I stepped closer to Mackenzie and went to put my hand on her check, but she flinched. Wow. I fucked up. "Can we talk in private?" I asked her. I feel so fucking bad. Fuck. I hope I didn't fuck this up. She stared at me for a few seconds then nodded.

Jason McCanns P.O.V of The Don't Fall For The Criminal Series (All Three Books)Where stories live. Discover now