Chapter 64 - The Hospital

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[Correlates with Chapter 61-62 of Fell For The Criminal. Book 2]

I can't die in here. I can't live here for the rest of my life.

After all these days and thoughts in my head, I've thought of something that could either be so stupid or so god damn smart. I wanted to talk to Johnson about it, but all my conversations are listened to. The last time I saw Johnson, which was yesterday, it was a really short conversation because the judge didn't want me to have visitors, but some how Johnson convinced the jail to let him have one more visit until the "no visitors" rule is lifted for me. Which could be after the trial. I asked to him to make sure Mackenzie is okay every single day and to look after her. He promised to protect her.

Johnson just made sure I was okay. He knew we couldn't talk plans because we were being listened too. But once he stood up he mouthed the word 'crazy' to me right before he said goodbye.

At first I didn't get it, but once I got back to my cell, I realized that he thought of the same plan that I did.

I act like I'm crazy.

Like I need to be helped. But not in a way where I need to be locked in a two by two with no windows because I might kill someone. But just that I need someone to evaluate me to see what's wrong. Especially after all the trauma I have endured all these years.

I'm not telling a soul about this. Everyone needs to believe it's real. The gang will have such real emotions about this that the authorities will believe it. Because they are gang members not actors. And Mackenzie... I want to tell her, but I can't. Her reactions and emotions to this all have to be real.

I need to figure out how to start this plan now.


I did it. I fucking did it.

After a very long week, the judge had me admitted to a hospital. I decided that the second I am out of this jail, I'm not going to say a word. They are going to think that all my trauma and my black out made me "mute". I'm not going to say a word or show emotion.

I'm not sure how long I'll be here in this hospital, but it's better than jail for the rest of my life. Because I can escape the hospital. I just need to be here for a whole. Maybe a few weeks. Maybe a month. I don't know. I'm also going to sleep a lot- well try to sleep a lot so they think they don't need to watch me all the time. I hope this works. But no matter what, this is better than jail. I can actually be in the same room as Mackenzie and the guys.

I feel like Johnson might catch on unless he actually starts to think something is wrong with me. I'm not going to speak to anyone. I don't care. It needs to look real.

I've been out of the loop for a few days now because I've been in the middle of processing my move to the hospital and them going over shit with me. I've been pretty quiet. I haven't fought back. I've been slowly going into my silent mode.


"This has to be a joke." Cameron said out of frustrated. He was the first one here. I looked away from him and looked back at the tv. Thank god there is a tv. Cameron's been trying to talk to me for the last few minutes. The nurse had to tell him that I'm not speaking. He shook his head then walked out of the room. Finally, I'm alone again. I let out a breath and focused on the tv again.

Honestly, I'm pretty comfortable. It's obviously not as comfortable as my bed, but it's been than a jail bed.

The door opened again so I looked over to see Cameron again. Except this time, it wasn't just him. I searched for Mackenzie as the boys piled in. It was Johnson then Travis then Ryan. And then there she was. I locked eyes with her right away. But I quickly tried to get rid of any emotion my eyes might hold. I wonder if she saw the excitement in my eyes for those few seconds. It's so good to actually see her again.

Johnson stood next to my bed so I looked up at him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me. I shrugged a little then looked back at the tv. I felt everyone's eyes on me. "Are you hungry?" He asked another quickly. He shook my head for a second and didn't look away from the tv. The tv turned off now so I looked over to see him holding the remote. "Can you talk to me?" He snapped at me. I narrowed my eyes at him as I tried not to get annoyed. This might be harder than I thought if everyone is going to do this to me.

"Let him be, Johnson" I heard Hunter say. I snatched the remote from Johnson and I turned the tv back on.

"Just give him time" I heard Mackenzie soft quiet tone. I wanted to look at her, but I kept my eyes on the tv. This actually might be harder than I really thought.


Everyone left about ten minutes ago now. But I'm still sitting here watching tv. This is all I'm going to be able to do for a while. The door opened again so I looked over expecting a nurse, but it was Johnson again. Travis and Mackenzie followed him in. They just left, why are they back?

"Your wife almost stabbed a bitch outside" Johnson told him as he picked up his wallet from one of the chairs. What? What the fuck does he mean?

"I did not-" Travis cut Mackenzie off.

"Yes, you did" Travis said with a laugh. She looked at him and gave him the finger.

"Stop laughing about it" She said and playfully shoved his shoulder. She actually smiled a little and shook her head. She looked at me now. I so badly wanted to talk and ask what the hell happened.

"I didn't almost stab her. She was talking shit to me so I pulled out the switch blade you got me a few months ago. I wasn't going to stab anyone. I just wanted her to stop" She told me. I had to fight a smile. At least I know she is standing up for herself. I almost forgot I got a switch blade to keep in her purse when I felt like things were about to start going down hill. I wanted to get her a gun, but she refused. "Bye Jase. I love you" She said before walking back out. The boys followed her now.

I love you too...

I put my head back and stared up at the ceiling. I have to just keep playing the part. I have to.


Things would be a little better if I had my phone. All I do is sit in this bed and watch tv. I can't complain though. It's better than jail for the rest of my life. I'm not being pushed and shoved by guards. The nurses are surprisingly nice to me. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm not talking to them. I don't know.

Every time Mackenzie comes in here, I want to talk so badly. But I know the police are watching her so her reactions to this all need to be real. She's going to be so mad at me whenever she finds out, but I know she will understand. It had to be this way.

I've been here for a while now. I think maybe in a few weeks, I should be okay to start a plan.

Jason McCanns P.O.V of The Don't Fall For The Criminal Series (All Three Books)Where stories live. Discover now