Chapter 80 - "Dream"

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[Correlates with Chapter 31/33 After The Runaway. Book 3]

Some kids movies are weirdly interesting. Drew fell asleep next to me on the couch, but I haven't even moved to grab the remote so I've been watching it. I heard my phone get a notification so I grabbed it to see it's a camera notification.

What the hell? No one told me they were coming over. I opened the app and saw Gigis car in the driveway. That's weird. I hope everything's okay. I looked over at Drew to see him still sleeping so I stood up and walked over to the door. She hasn't gotten out of the car yet. I can't even see into the car because the lights are bright and of course her windows are tinted.

When the passenger door opened up, I expect to see Hunter. But it wasn't. It's Mackenzie. She's home early. I started to smile. It's so good to see her home again.

"Surprise" She said as she started to walk over to me.

"Hi Angel" I said stepping out of the house.

"Hi babe" She said putting her bag down. I picked her up quickly. She laughed as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so happy to see you" I said before kissing her. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home today?" I asked her.

"I wanted to surprise you. That look on your face was worth it." She said which made me smile more.

"I'm always happy when I see you" I said and kissed her again. "Drew fell asleep on the couch while we were watching a movie so he knocked out early" I told her.

"Well let's go put him to bed then go watch a movie or something in our bed" She suggested. I nodded. The beds been lonely without her.

"Yeah let's do it" I said kissing her again like I couldn't control myself. I placed her down and grabbed her bag from the ground. We walked into the house together and right to the living room.

"I'll just pick him up so I don't wake him" Mackenzie quietly told me. I just nodded and watched her get him carefully. I know she missed him like crazy. It's always hard being away from him. I turned the tv off then the lights as she brought him up the stairs. I followed her up into his room. I leaned against the door frame and let her put him to bed. I smiled as I watched her kiss his head and smile down at him. We are so lucky. I'm so lucky.

As Mackenzie faced me, I held my hand out of her to grab. Which she did. We walked into our bedroom now.

"I missed you so much" I told her.

"I missed you more" She said back. I put her bag down and she walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I smirked and placed my hands on her waist.

"I hated sleeping without you" I said pulling her against me so there was no more space between us.

"I know, babe" She said leaning up and kissing me. "I'm so tired" She groaned. "I could go to sleep right now" She said and I chuckled.

"No" I said as I swung a little side to side. "We have to watch a movie" I said and made her laugh a little.

"Fine I'll try to stay up. But I have a headache too. I need to shut my eyes soon" She told me so I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Fine" I said and chuckled. I kissed her quickly and then let go of her. "I don't remember if I locked the front door so I'm going to go check. And turn off all the lights while I'm down there" I told her. She nodded and pulled herself away from me.

"Can you get me water?" She asked.

"Yeah I can" I answered nodding. "Be right back" I said then walked out of the room and down the stairs. I did lock the front door. Thank god. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass. She does look tired. I feel bad. I just missed her a lot. She looks drained. I would be too honestly. After getting her water, I headed back up stairs. I'm pretty tired too. I just want to spend some time with her. "Okay now I'm ready for bed" I said as I walked into the bedroom, but when I looked up I noticed Mackenzie was knocked out. I laughed quietly to myself.

Jason McCanns P.O.V of The Don't Fall For The Criminal Series (All Three Books)Where stories live. Discover now