Chapter 68 - New York

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[Correlates with Chapter 5-6 After The Runaway. Book 3]

"What if we get in disguise and go into the city?" Mackenzie asked me. I let out a laugh and shook my head. We are finally in New York. We are in our bedroom putting our stuff down.

"You are crazy" I said back jokingly. I walked over to the window. It's windy outside. The leafs are falling everywhere.

"I'm being so serious. Jase, think about it. It's kind of cold out so we can wear hoodies, hats, sunglasses, no one will even look our way. It's New York City" She's been trying to convince me to take her to the city. I looked over at her again.

"No" I said with a little chuckle.

"Come on, babe. They have Times Square which I bet is so cool at night. They have that chocolate factory store or whatever-"

"The M&M store?" I asked her and she nodded quickly. I let out the loudest laugh. That is so random. I mean, she does love her chocolate. It's her favorite.

"They have so much there. I can go shopping and we can just like sight see" She kept trying. I crossed my arms and stared at her with a little smile. This is actually amusing.

"No" I repeated.

"But I've never been there-"

"Never?" I asked in shock and my eye widened. She shook her head. How has she never been to New York City?

"Why do you think I want to go so bad?" She asked with a laugh.

"Okay fine" I gave in.

"Yay!" She said loudly and excited then wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"We can go see Justin's new place. Only if he doesn't piss me off" I told her. She nodded. Justin just got a new penthouse there. Shocker.

"I'm going to go get ready then" She said pulling away from me. When she went to talk away, I grabbed her wrist.

"Wait a minute" I said to her. I let go of her wrist then grabbed her by her hips, pulling her back to me.

"What?" She asked with a laugh. I held her body to mine and leaned in. I slowly kissed her passionately.

"I want to do a few things with you first now that we're alone" I mumbled against her lips before kissing her again. She held onto me tighter. It was a long two months without her. I'll take this every chance I could get.


"See isn't this great?" Mackenzie asked with her tone full of excitement. We are at Justin's now. I hate to say it, but it's really nice. I looked at Justin and we both laughed.

"How old are you again?" He joked with her.

"Oh shut up" She joked back as she faced us. I've been sitting on the couch enjoying the view. Justin's standing there with a smirk on his face. I bet he loves showing this off.

"Leave her alone, she's never been to this city before" I told him. His eyes widened.

"You never took her here?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes then stood up again.

"Yeah sure. Let me, the most wanted criminal, go into the most crowded city." I said back as I walked over to the window.

"Well brother, I hate to break it to you, but you're here now so" He said back. I glared over at him.

"Well I begged him to take me since we were in the state for the weekend" Mackenzie told him as she shrugged.

"I have to go so you two have fun. I'll see you guys tomorrow" Justin said then walked out before we could say anything else. I looked over at Mackenzie at the same time she looked at me.

Jason McCanns P.O.V of The Don't Fall For The Criminal Series (All Three Books)Where stories live. Discover now