Chapter 29 - Dangerous Mission

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[Correlates with Chapter 68-70 of Don't Fall For The Criminal. Book 1]

I slept amazing after we got back to the house. But now sadly, I have to bring Mackenzie home before her dad gets there. We walked down the stairs together and saw the guys looking stressed out. I stopped once I got to the bottom of the steps.

"What are you-" Johnson cut me off.

"We have to go to that warehouse now before they all leave!" Johnson yelled at me. My eyes widened. Fuck, we have to go right the second. No time to waste. I grabbed Mackenzies arm and pulled her towards the front door.

"Do you have my shit from the basement?" I asked the guys.

"Yes of course!" Hunter said in an annoyed tone. I pulled Mackenzie outside and to the van.

"Jason I can't come! I should stay here!" She tried to stop me from bringing her. She looks worried, but there's no way I'm letting her stay here alone. No one's going to be here.

"Come on there's no time. You have to come! I'm not leaving you here alone!" I snapped at her and pulled her into the van, but I got into the front seat. She sat in the way back with Kade. Johnson sped off quickly once everyone was in.

I looked back at Mackenzie to see her and Kade talking then her looking at all the computer stuff back there. I should have let her stay there and have her find a ride home. This was a bad idea. She shouldn't be put into danger like this. Another reason I'm bad for her. But I also don't want her to be alone in the house that sometimes is a target to other gangs. What if something happened and none of us guys are there?

I shook my head. I have to focus on the plan. Nothing can distract me or else shit could go wrong.


"Go to the van" I told Cameron and he looked at me confused. "Only one of us should do this. It will be faster this way. I'm a fast runner. I can do this alone. Get in the van and drive away so it looks like no one is here after the bomb goes off. Then I'll kill whoever is left." I explained to him.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Fucking positive, man. Go now." I said to him nodding. "If anything I'll steal one of the cars here and that's how I'll get home." I told him.

"What if you aren't fast enough? This hallway is long as fuck." He said to me. He sounds actually worried.

"Look who you're talking to." I said with a smirk.

"Fine. Good luck." He said then turned around and started to run. I watched him run down the long hallway and finally out the door. I just hope no one comes out of no where after I start this bomb. I have to start now though. I can't wait just incase. I connected some wires and hit this button triggering it.

A ten second timer started to go off. I turned around and ran as fast as possible. I was counting the seconds in my head too. As I got closer to the door, I thought about where to run. I guess straight out to the woods. I made it out the door and headed right for the woods. There wasn't anyone back here anymore so I knew they were back in the building.

I heard the bomb go off and it was like the blast of it hit my back and I tried to put my hand on a tree to hold myself up, but I ended up falling into the dirt and leaves. I got up pretty quickly and stood there trying to catch my breath. I looked back at the building. There's no way anyone made it out of there alive.

I know no one would have made it out of there. But I did it. I fucking did it. I ran to where there's some cars and checked above every tire to see if there's any keys. And I was lucky enough to find keys on the second car. I got in and quickly started it and headed home. I chuckled to myself. No one could ever doubt me.

Jason McCanns P.O.V of The Don't Fall For The Criminal Series (All Three Books)Where stories live. Discover now