He tires to commit suicide

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I walk through my front door happy to be home and see my amazing boyfriend.

"Harry" I call out. No answer. "Harry" I call again, still no answer. I come into the kitchen and see a note laying on the counter with my name on it. I pick it up and unfold it.

"Dear (Y/N), I love you. I love you so much. With everything I have, I love you. Everything you do is perfect. You make me so happy....but not even you can fill the pain. The pain I have sitting in my chest each and every day. The worthlessness I feel when I open my eyes when I wake up and when I close them at night. It feels like I have so much being pushed on me and nothing I ever do can make it go away. Trust me, this isn't about you. Its about my fans and the boys. They have so much they want from me and I can't take it anymore. I love them, I love my fans. But they just want to much, they expect so much from me. I feel a ton of pressure weighing on me right now, I just can't see it getting any better. So, theres only one way to finally feel happy again. To finally feel free from everything. I need to do this, for not only me but for you. After I do this, you can find someone else, someone worth your time. Worth your smile and your heart. I'm not that person. I'm not that guy for you. You deserve better than me. I hope that one day you will find that guy to make you smile and make you happy. The way you make me feel everyday. Its going to literally kill me to let you go but thats okay because not having you in my life is like not having air so I will cut my ties from this world. I will end things today, for the greater good. My fans and you even may cry and be upset but eventually you will get over me leaving and see it as the best thing to happen. I don't belong here, not anymore. Hopefully by the time you see this, I will already be gone. I have made my mark on this world and you have made your mark on my heart. But unlike the world, my heart will always remember you even after I'm gone. Its time for me to go, so I love you (Y/N) and I hope you find true love, like I have found mine...you. Its always been you -Sincerely yours Harry"

My tears drip on to the floor and the paper as I reread the letter. This isn't happening, he isn't doing this. Not now...no. He can't. I need to save him, I need to save him from himself. This isn't fair to anyone. I pull out my phone with my shaking hands and dial his number...his phone goes off on the couch and I run to it. Theres a note on the screen and I read it.

"Please don't try and stop me. I don't want to be stopped, if you do and successfully pull me from this bridge I will hate you forever. Please leave me to die. "

I don't care if he hates me forever I need to stop him. I dial Paul's number and he picks up on the third ring as I grab my keys and the note and run to my car I quickly tell Paul what happened. He hangs up and I start my drive to the only bridge I can think of in Holmes Chapel that he would be at.

When I arrive I see a figure standing at the edge and I know its him. Thank god he hasn't jumped. I get out of my car and run to the edge.

"HARRY!" I yell. He looks up at me, crying.

"Go home (Y/N). I need to do this"

"No you don't" I cry. "You can't leave me here, I need you."

"No you don't. You're fine without me." he looks at the water.

"If you jump, I'm jumping with you" I say and he looks up at me with his mouth open.

"No you won't" he shakes his head.

"Yes I will Harry. As soon as your hands leave that railing I'll be right there to fall with you. I can't live a life without you, its impossible" I say still crying.

"You can move on, you can find someone else."

"I don't want anyone else, I want you"

"Thats just too bad" he shrugs.

"Do you not want me?"

"Of course I do, you don't want me"

"What makes you think that"

"I'm worthless (Y/N). You're only saying these things to protect my feelings"

"I'm not though. Everyone needs you here. I need you here, your fans need you here. The boys need you here."

"Doesn't seem like it"

"Harry I need you more than you need me, please don't do this" I beg.

"Give me one good reason"

"Because I need you"

"Not good enough"

"Because you're too important"

"Still not good enough" I see Paul coming in from the other end of the bridge and he nods at me.

"Kiss me, Harry. Please"

"What?" he looks at me.

"I'm asking for one last kiss before you leave me" I wipe my eyes.

"Okay" he stares at me. I move closer to his side of the bridge and he turns around and kisses my lips hard and then pulls away.

"I love you and I'm so sorry for this" he turns back towards the water. Just as he lets go Paul catches his arm and pulls him over.

"Let go of me. " he tries to pull from his grip but Paul doesn't let go he just pulls him in for a hug and pets his hair. He whispers something and I look towards his car. The boys are standing there quietly, looking shocked. I wave the three over and they hug him too. I stand there looking at the pile of men hugging each other and whispering things. They let go and Harry is crying worse then he was. He falls holding his face in his hands and I fall with him holding his arm. He sits there crying in his hands and I just hold his hand.

"I love you so much Harry" I whisper as he sobs.

"Please never try to leave me again" I kiss his temple and he looks up at me. He pulls me and holds me tight against his chest whispering how sorry he is.

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