Wedding Speeches

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A/N: if I did my math correctly, this is the 100th imagine I've done and that is very exciting

Finally it's the end of the night and I get to just sit down next to my new husband and drink and watch people give speeches honoring this day.

"Alright...first up is the best man Louis" the DJ speaks into the microphone. Louis stands from the table and walks slowly to the stand. I smile at Harry and then Louis.

"Where to I begin?" He starts. "I've known Harry for 5 almost 6 years now and I've known (y/n) for nearly 4. When Harry first brought (y/n) round to a rehearsal we were doing, they had only been dating a month. Harry wanted to wait because he wasn't sure how would we react to her." He starts laughing cause we all know how that happened. "You see...she had come and we didn't know who she was she was hanging out with Lou, our hair dresser. We had come out of rehearsal and saw her. Harry, decided it would be fun to mess around and not tell us who she was. So we were all absolutely drooling over her. And she walks up to us, and we think. Oh shit, she's gunna say something to us and she kisses Harry. And we're just like whhhaat? It was so messed up." The crowd laughs at the story. "But...ever since then I've been so happy for these too, they seem so in love and they are a couple to look up too. And I wish you both forever happiness" he raises his glass to us and we raise ours back and take a sip.

The next person up is my maid of honor (y/b/f/n).

"I've known (y/n) since first grade. And she always talked about this day and it would annoy me all the time cause I was never really interested in getting married. But...for a short time in middle school she was dating this guy named Jarred and they dated for 5 or so months and he actually faked purposed to her and he used a ring pop. She was so happy, she legit spend 2 weeks planning it. And then he broke up with her. She was so sad. But after a while she got over him and threw dirt in his face." Everyone laughs. "And we are. You're actually married to an amazing guy.. let me warn you Harry...don't break her hear or she WILL throw dirt in your face" she jokes and Harry and I both chuckle along with everyone else. She nods and walks off to her seat. 

Next is Niall.

"What can I say about these two people?" He raises his eyebrow at us.

"Well...I've seen them fighting and I've seen them happy together. It's crazy to think that 4 years ago you guys weren't even together yet. Like, seriously close your eyes and try to think of a time before these two were's hard right?" He laughs. "I remember back in 2013, it was there 4 month anniversary...and they were celebrating it. Like who celebrates there 4 month? Well, now here we are celebrating your marriage....cheers to years and years of happiness" he cheers and walks off stage. 

Next is my mom. 

"I can't believe I'm here at my first child's wedding. It's a great feeling when you know that after your child has grown up and moved out that they have someone to take care of them. Even if you know that they can take care of themselves you want someone to be there to help them when they fall or be there when they're sad because you can't be there and I want to thank Harry for being that person. I hope you both have a wonderful life full of love and togetherness just as I did with your farther" she almost cries and then walks off stage. 

Gemma walks on stage and I smile. 

"Alright...well. When Harry was younger you would have never guessed he would be married at 22 to this lovely lady." She gestures me and I smirk and take a sip of my champagne. "He would wear mums bra around and call himself Harriet. And look where Harriet is now, married. And before me, like that is crazy. Congratulations to the both of you...cheers" she raises her glass. I take another sip. Harry stands up from next to me and I look up at him in confusion. What's he doing? He pats my shoulder and then walks towards the stage. I sit back, letting my nerves take over. 

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