You see him kissing you best friend Part 2

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A/N: So I decided to do more cause why not? I thought I'd do a part 2 of this one cause...idk cause

I drive down the road with the guy I don't know, scared that he might try to do something. He looks shady. He has black choppy hair, a scratchy beard, tattoos cover his arms. He is wearing all back. 
"Whats your name?" I dare to speak. 
"Zayn" he has a british accent. 
"Where are you taking me?" I ask. 
"Home, of course. Where do you live?" he looks at me. 
"Make a left here" I gulp staring at his face. 
"Surely you didn't think I was going to hurt you" he laughs turning left. 
"No" I lie. 
"Good, I don't think I have the heart to hurt a pretty thing like you" he reaches over and nudges my chin. I stay quiet and look out to the unfamilar streets. My phone goes off, its Harry. I debate wether I should answer. I may as well. 
"Hello" I sigh into the phone. 
"(Y/N). I'm sorry. Don't do this. Come back here. That man your with is not safe. He's going to hurt you" he says really fast into the phone. I look over at Zayn as he drives. Should I believe Harry? Or is he just saying this to make me come back. 
"Harry, you hurt me. I need to be away from you right now" I ignore his warning. 
"Thats fine. Just don't stay with that man. Zayn...he's known for hurting girls. I love you, I don't want anything to happen to you" 
"Okay" I hang up the phone. 
"Could you umm...turn around. I forgot something at the party" I lie. 
"Uh, I don't think I have the time for that. I'll just bring it to you later." he says. 
"But I need it now" 
"What could you possibly need that I have to turn around now for" he sounds angry. 
"My purse" I don't have a purse. "It has my wallet and other things in it. I need it" I whine. 
"Alright" he huffs and turns the car around. Harry texts me asking if I got him to drive me back and I reply with yes. 
The drive back is quiet and I can't wait to get out of the car. When we pull up Harry is standing the drive away looking stern. He walks over to the passanger door and pulls me out. 
"Hey man. What are you doing?" Zayn asks getting out of the car. 
"Don't tell me you weren't planning to do something to her" Harry shouts. 
"No I wasn't. I was going to tak her home" Harry's grip tightens around my arm.
"Yes you are. You do it every time you get the chance. Don't fucking lie" he yells. 
"Does it matter? She doesn't want you anymore. You cheated on her" 
"Yes it does fucking matter. She never said she didn't want me anymore. She just said that I needed to figure it out" I look down at my feet. 
"She doesn't look like she loves you anymore" he holds out his hand to me, Harry looks down at me. I move closer to Harry not wanting Zayn to think anything else of it. I do love Harry. 
"I do love him" I say my thoughts out loud. 
"Sure you do. He cheated" Zayn scoffs. 
"I know. But he was drunk. He made a mistake" 
"You weren't saying that half an hour ago" 
"I know. I was in complete shock about it. I needed time to think" 
"Whatever. I'm out of here" he gets in his car and drives away. 
"Thank you Harry" I say when I can't see his car anymore. "But I'm still angry with you" 
"I know baby and I am so sorry. Cassie and I have been talking and we want to make it up to you"  
"No, I don't want anything to do with her." I shake my head as anger boils through me. 
"You have to understand how upset she is right now" 
"Why should I understand anything for her. I am way more upset than she is." I move away from Harry but he pulls me to him. 
"I know. I will never be sorry enough for what I did. It will never happen again. I can promise you that, even if I have to stop drinking"  
"You shouldn't have to stop drinking to not cheat. It should just be stuck in your mind no matter what" I struggle from his grip but hes to strong. 
"Let go Harry" I order but he just looks at me. 
"Not until you forgive me...or atleast think about it" 
"Harry. Thank you for saving me from that Zayn guy but it doesn't change what you did. I can't just forgive you like that" I pull harder but its impossible. 
"Hey, let her go man." a guy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes comes over. 
"Stay out of this Niall" he orders with anger. 
"She said let her go" Niall touches Harry's shoulder. 
"I need her to forgive me" He moves from Niall's hand. 
"Harry, let go please" I am begining to cry. 
"I can't. I love you. Please" he stares at me, his deep green eyes begging me. 
"Alright Harry. I-I forgive you" I say honestly. He looks truley upset and willing to do anything to fix his mistake. 
"Really?" his eyes brighten. 
"Yes Harry" he pulls me in for a hug, Niall is gone. 
"Thank you so much. I will never do it again. I promise" he breathes into my neck. 
"I know" I say into his chest. 
"I love you...forever" 
"Forever" I agree. 

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