Stalker, Watcher, Psychopath (Part 6)

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I've been awake for almost 3 days now, too scared to go to sleep. I'm afraid that's when he will kill me. He's only been down here once to restock my food since I confronted him and he didn't speak to me because I hid in the bathroom. I'm not sure if he was trying to respect my privacy or what but he could have easily killed me in that moment. 

He took my dirty clothes with him and I haven't seen them since, so I don't know if he plans on cleaning them, it's only been a day since then so it could go either way. I don't know what he's planning but it can't be good.

I do know one thing, I need some sleep. I feel myself slowly slipping into madness as I wait for him to do what he plans on doing. So I decide to grab a pillow and blanket from the bed and go into the bathroom, making sure the tub is dry I lay my stuff down and try to make the best bed I can with what I have. Once its as good as I can make it, I go to the kitchen area and grab a chair and anything I can use as a weapon, all the silverware he gave me is plastic and there are no knives so I make do with a large book. It won't be enough to do too much damage but if he comes at me I could knock him down. 

I go back to the bathroom and shut the door, placing the chair under the door knob in order to keep him out, I shut off the light and lay down, trying to ignore how freaked out I am and let sleep find me. 

"Hello love," Harry calls for me as I sit in a chair. Blackness surrounds me, it's just the two of us here. His smile is warm and makes me feel safe. 

"Harry!" I exclaim at the sight of him. "I've missed you," I confess as he wraps his body around mine, pulling me from the chair and placing me down. He stares into my eyes for a moment before his smile turns cold and evil and he begins to laugh. He pulls his body from mine. Suddenly there are ropes tied around me. My clothes are switched out with a white dress 3 slashes through the stomach. Blood pours from the spots where they are as Harry circles around me, the grin on his face becoming even more devilish. 

"Tell me you love me!" He demands. I try to twist my body to move the rope but it doesn't work. "Say it!" he shouts but I am unable to speak. He begins to chant, screaming for me say I love him but my voice is no where to be found. The chanting finally stops, Harry is gone now and I am able to my find my voice again. 

Suddenly, Harry is right in front of me again, a knife in his hand and I watch as the blade goes up and then comes down towards my chest and I feel myself gear up to scream. 

"AHH!" I scream as my eyes open and I sit up. 

"Its okay, I'm here." Harry tells me as he pats my hand. I find myself in bed now, instead of in the tub. I look to the bathroom door and it seems fine but the chair is contorted. He broke into the bathroom to get to me. "You scared me for a second, thought you tried to kill yourself or something. You've been asleep for a long time." He informs me and I try to look anywhere but at his face. 

I can't believe I'm still alive right now, I wonder why. He killed Emily for the same reason he should be killing me right now but instead he's trying to sooth me. I think I'm even more scared now since the last time we spoke I screamed at him. That couldn't have done anything but pushed his anger over the edge. 

"(Y/N), I think we need to talk about what happened the other day." He sighs and I finally look at him. He looks upset, not angry. Does he think it was just a misunderstanding? I don't know why I try to guess what's going on his head. He's fucking crazy, I couldn't guess it if he gave me a million chances. "I know, what you said. But...I think it was just the heat of the moment," he says and I want to roll my eyes now. But I know I need to let this play out. I was lucky that he didn't kill me after what happened, I need to play my cards right, now. I'm sure I wont get a second chance. "Listen, I got rid of her stuff. It was dumb of me to keep any of it. You know how being hung up on an ex is." He tries to shrug like its a joke but I'm still trying to calm myself down. I doubt Emily would consider herself his ex now. He probably did to her, exactly what he is doing to me. "Please, say something." He begs. 

"What do you want me to say?" I ask, trying to stay calm enough to humor him into letting me go. 

"Say you forgive me and that you love me again." He asks. My stomach turns at the idea of letting this murderer believe I love him but I have to do it to let myself free. 

"I...I love you, Harry." I put on my best fake smile and watch as his eyes light up. 

"Do you, forgive me?" He cowers.

"I..I don't know yet. The wound is still pretty fresh." I tell him, pretending to be upset just about the fact that he had some of another girl's stuff which honestly the least of my concern really. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Truly...please, don't hate me." He stands from the bed, pleading at me. 

"I know you are." I have to play my cards right, I have to tell him what he wants to hear. "I forgive you." I finally say and he stops pulling at his hair to look at me. 

"Thats so great, I'm so happy we can finally be together now. No more secrets for us." He exclaims as he sits down on the bed. "I love you!" He says before leaning into kiss me. I'm taken aback by the action but let him do what he wants. I go limp, hoping it will end soon as his hand goes into my hair and he tugs at it. He moves his lips against mine for a moment before pulling away and smiling at me. 

My mind replays how I felt in the dream, before he tried to kill. The way he is looking at me now, is when I had felt safe. He had engulfed me in his warm body and I felt comforted. But now, seeing it in front of me, I want it to go away. There is nothing safe or comforting about him now. I'm scared and want more than anything, not to see his face again. 

A/N: so I'm super not comfortable with turning this into a mutual romance. The way I've written this, it would seem so out of place and gross. You guys don't really want (Y/N) to fall in love with kidnapper and murderer do you??? 

Also I'd like to make a shoutout, (SHOUTOUT) Check out @Adoreudirection Harry Styles Imagines 

(Accepting imagine ideas through comments and DM's. If you'd like a shoutout, message for request.) 

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