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It all happened so quickly, as I was driving down the freeway. The car in front of me going to slow for my liking. I decided to make a lane change. I checked my mirrors and noticed a car speeding up but I knew I had enough time before it caught up to me, for me to be able to switch lanes and speed up enough to pass the car in front of me.

Unfortunately for me, the car speeding up, had no intention of slowing down, or at least didn't do it fast enough. I felt the back of my car give way to the pressure of the car behind me. I felt outside of myself as I tried to break hard enough to stop it but it was all too late. My car spun uncontrollably around before being hit by a different car, causing it to flip once, twice, three times. My car falling smashing into a semi and flipping on its side. 

I saw blackness for a long time and when I finally realized I needed to open my eyes I saw many people standing above me, examining me. Despite being in a multiple car pile up I felt perfectly fine. I barely felt phased even. I tried to look around to see in between the police officers and paramedics above me but it was no use. 

"Guys I'm fine." I explained as I pushed myself up and around them. The first thing I noticed was the damage that had been done. The car that hit me, completely smashed in, completely. My car, also in bad shape, not salvageable to say the least. The back end pushed to the front end, tires completely destroyed, the roof smashed in and the passenger side smashed up. The semi only suffered a major dent to the end of its trailer. The second car I hit was the least bad off, with just the hood smashed up a little. Their car would be fine. The people from the car stood off to the side, looking nervous and shaken up. The semi driver stood next to them. 

The next thing I noticed was the black body bag only 10 feet away from us and I was sick to my stomach. The speedy driver hadn't made it and I felt bad. I hope it was on impact so they didn't suffer too long. I turned my head and saw the cars all lined up watching the scene unfold. I turned once more and saw the paramedics still standing over the space I was in. Confusion flowed through me as I walked back to them and saw that there was body under them. I didn't know who it was as their face was beaten up pretty bad and they looked almost dead. Then it hit me, it was me. 

Now I watch over myself, not sure about what is happening. Im not dead, as my body in a hospital bed, a breathing tube in my mouth, a neck brace, a leg cast, and both of my arms in casts. My face has suffered a lot of cuts, scrapes and bruises as well. It's been about an hour or so since they brought me out of surgery and they haven't talked to anyone so I'm not sure what's going on. It's freaking me out, if I'm not dead than what am I? How am I here and my body is on the bed? How am I watching myself right now if I'm not a ghost? 

I hear a commotion outside of the room and before I know what I'm doing, I step through the wall that's in between the room and the hallway and see my boyfriend Harry talking to the doctor and my heart flutters. I've been so freaked out about all of this, I hadn't remembered they must be contacting people I know. 

"She's in a coma...sir you aren't legally related to her so I can't let you in." The doctor informs him but Harry refuses more. So I'm in a coma? In the movies they always depict it to be dream like, like I'm dreaming of different situations or in an alternate universe. I suppose there are a few movies that depict it like this as well. I want to hold Harry's hand now, to show him I'm okay but i don't even know if I'm okay. I'm not dead, clearly but I could be dying. I'd have no idea. 

"I don't care." Harry finally says and pushes his way through to my room. The doctor protests but a nurse explains that she will keep an eye on them. I follow Harry to where my body is and I can see he looks so distraught as he looks over me. I know I'm the one in the bed but I feel so bad for him. There is nothing I can say or do to let him know, from where I'm standing, I feel fine. 

"You're gonna be okay. I promise." He says to my unconscious body as he holds my hand. I don't feel it so I don't know what that means. I look down at the hand attached to my-spirit? Is that what this is? I'm assuming that once my body went into a coma my spirit left it, I'm still attached my body so I'm not dead. I don't know how I couldn't feel him touching me then. Maybe it was to be more physical than that. Still, I wonder if he can feel me. I place my hand on his and he doesn't seem to notice as pulls his hand away from my body and buries his head into his hands. I decide to try again and be a little more forceful. I place my hand on one of his and he looks up quickly as if something happened. I smile a little at the idea that he did feel me a little, maybe he's aware of my presence. I hope so. 

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