Unexpected Pregnancy

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I press my finger tips into my lips, concentrating on not freaking out as I star at white stick that will determine the next 9 months and 18 years of my life. I'm not really sure what to do if I am, my boyfriend Harry and I have only been together 7 months and he's always busy cause of his music.
I haven't even seen him in 3 weeks, he's on tour right now and won't be back for another month.
I check the clock on the wall, 30 seconds. I let out a sigh as the one line stares at me. I cross my fingers that it's the only line that appears.
Soon enough it's been 2 minutes, one very dark line is prominent on the window but I can't tell if my mind is playing tricks on me but I think I see a very faint second line.
After staring at it for more than 5 minutes I decide I can't be sure unless I see a doctor. I set up an appointment for the next day and try to push the idea of being pregnant to the back of my mind. All I wanna do is get wine drunk but I can't risk anything so I drink a glass of water and go to sleep.

The next day I get ready super quickly wanting to get the day over with and head to the doctor.
As I wait in the waiting room, I grow anxious. All I want right now is Harry to be here holding my hand. All I can think about is his reaction to the news if I am pregnant.
I wonder if this will cause us to break up but I don't think Harry is the type of guy to leave me for this.
"(Y/N)" a nurse calls, breaking my thoughts. I stand up, grabbing my purse and follow her inside to a room.
"The doctor will be in shortly." She informs me and then leaves.
As I wait even more, I look around the white room, my eyes catch sight of a diagram of a woman's body when she's pregnant.
I realize I'm looking at it for too long when the doctor comes in.
"Ms. (Y/L/N)" He says as he comes and shakes my hand. "I'm Dr. Parker. What brings you in?" He questions.
"Well I uh...I took an at home pregnancy test and I really couldn't tell if it was positive so i decided to just come here and get it over with." I explain, folding my arms across my stomach and leaning on them, as I chew on my bottom lip and shake my leg...wow I really am nervous.
"When was the last time you had sex?" He questions.
"About 3 weeks ago." I admit and he writes on his clipboard.
"Have you had any pregnancy like symptoms?"
"Morning sickness I guess." I shrug. "And...my period is a couple days late." He writes again.
"Okay. Let me get the nurse and she'll administer a blood test." He says before leaving. After a few minutes the nurse comes in and does what she needs to do for the test, cleaning my skin and take the blood sample.
"The results won't be in for about 2 days, we'll call you." She informs me and I sigh.
"Can't it be any sooner?" I ask.
"Unfortunately it takes up to 3 days to get a test back. 2 days is as soon as we can get the results." She says. I nod disappointed.

Day 1, I try my best to ignore any thoughts of pregnancy but it doesn't work well.
I want to get a second test from the drug store but I decide against it.
Harry texts me for a little but it doesn't help and all I want to do is tell him everything but I can't scare him if there's nothing to be scared about.
Day 2, I wake up with morning sickness and spend most of the morning in front of the toilet and by 12 pm, I'm on the edge of my seat as I stare at my phone, waiting for the call. The 2 outcomes play through my mind constantly and I try to figure out how I'm going to react but I can never think straight. Some how my mind wanders to baby names. I like Amelie for a girl but I can't think of a boy name. I shake the ideas away as my phone rings. With nervous hands I pick it up and answer it.
"(Y/N)?" A woman asks.
"This is she." I state.
"We have the results of your blood test and its positive. You are pregnant." She informs me and my heart drops. What am I going to do? I'm not ready to be a mom. How could I raise a child?
"Ms. (Y/L/N)?" She says to get my attention.
"Yes?" I squeak.
"We'd like to schedule an appointment for your first ultrasound, to see how far along the baby is. Does a week from today work for you?"
"Y-Yeah." I say quietly.
"Okay, have a good day." She says and I hang up, letting my phone fall from my hand. Tears well up in my eyes and they roll down my cheek. I'm pregnant.

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