Catfish part 4

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Harry's Pov 

She's going to Chicago and knowing my luck he'll probably be exactly who he says he is and she'll be so happy and in love, she won't remember me. Or that kiss. I really liked that kiss, I was hoping she would want to do it again but she came out of the bathroom soon after and said she was going to Chicago, it broke my heart. I thought she was going to come out and say she didn't care about Nate anymore and then we would talk and maybe go out. But I guess she didn't like the kiss we had and to make sure her and I never became a thing she wanted to see Nate. 

A knock on my hotel door makes me jump, it's early in the morning, why would anyone be here this early. I open the door slowly and see a crying (y/n). 

"(Y/n), what is it? What's wrong?" I ask, pulling her in by her arm. I close the door behind me and turn around. 

"Nate just told me he changed his mind. And he broke up with me." She puts her phone up to show me. I read the text in my head.

(Y/n), I'm sorry but I changed my mind. I can't let you live with me and I don't think we're going to work out, it's over...I'm sorry. 

I look up to her and then back at the text, she's stopped crying as much as before but there are still tears. 

"I'm so sorry..." I pull her in for a hug and she holds on to me like if she lets go she'll fall into a black hole. 

"I only came to you because..." She fades, not wanting to say. I stay silent not forcing her to say anything. "Because...I don't know. That kiss we had yesterday. Did it mean anything?" She asks, pulling away and looking at me. I stop for a second and my heart skips a beat. 

"I mean, I wouldn't have kissed you if it didn't" I shrug, looking away. 

"Harry, I like you" she says nonchantly. 

"I like you too" I move closer to her. "Like, I really do like you. A lot" 

"Really? Harry, I want to be with you. More then I thought I wanted to be with Nate." 

"I want to be with you too" I smile. 

"So what are we saying" 

"Do you want to go out?" I question. 

"Well, Nate just broke up with me. I don't know, does that make me a whore?" 

" should move on and he was an asshole anyways. It doesn't matter how long it takes you, rather now then later" 

"Are you sure?" 

"Very..." I smile again and press my lips to hers. 

Your pov 

"We have to tell the crew, you know about the text...not about us" I sigh. He nods in agreement and we both make our way to Nev's room. I knock lightly and wait for him to answer. The next thing I see is a very groggy, shirtless Nev. 

"Morning" he smiles, a dull smile. 

"Nev, I'm so sorry to wake you up this early but...I just got a text from Nate." I say grimly. 

"What did it say?" He asks. I click my phone back on and show him the text, he reads it and then sighs, a very exasperated sigh. 

"Oh, (y/n). I'm so sorry." He goes in for a hug and I step into his warm embrace. There's a long silence until Harry coughs. 

"That's enough" he warns, pulling us apart. 

"Someone's jealous" Nev jokes with a laugh. 

"Here, I'll hug you too Harry" I wrap my arms around his torso and he hums a very a happy hum. And that's when it hit me, I am dating Harry Styles. Like, he asked me out 5 minutes ago. I pull away and look from Harry to Nev. "What are we doing to do?" I question. I let go of Harry completely and stand in the middle. 

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