Coma (The End)

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I stayed at the hospital for another week after I woke up. They wanted to run tests and make sure my head was okay.
They were mostly surprised by the fact that I didn't have any memory loss, except for the actual accident. I was surprised too.
Harry ended up going back to normal working hours in the middle of the week so he was only with me from 5 to 10. He insisted that he slept here with me but I refused. I knew he needed a full night sleep on an actual bed. I wasn't going anywhere so he would be fine. But every morning he stopped by before work, bringing me breakfast and every night when he got off he would bring me dinner and sit with me until he got too sleepy.

Yesterday they finally put my leg in a cast and sent me home. I am so happy now, for my life to go back to normal-well as normal as it can be, after surviving a life threatening instance.

At home, I find the atmosphere weird as all my friends and family welcome me back. I actually can't think of anything I hate more than this. I just want my life to go back to normal. I've been in a hospital for a month, it's bad enough I have to spend another 2 weeks in this leg cast with these crutches.
They offered a wheel chair but I didn't want anymore looks than what the cast would give me.

Sitting here, on the couch as my friends and family mingle, I feel less uncomfortable as there aren't any eyes on me. Harry went to get me a drink and I haven't had the heart to tell him I hate all of these people being here. I know he was just trying to be nice but this is too overwhelming for me.

"Here you are!" He hands me a bottle of water and I thank him. I kind of wish this was liquor so I won't have to be all the way here but the doctor said I can't drink with the medication I'm on. Harry takes a seat next to me and I look at my water, trying to concentrate on anything else.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I tell him and stand up, grabbing my crutches which earns a handful of looks. Now I want to crumple into myself.

"I'll help you." He offers as he stands up.

"No, I got it...please." I refuse. I just want to be alone right now. I place my crutches under my armpits and begin my walk to the bathroom. On the way there I get a bunch of stares and people asking to help me but I refuse all of them.

I'm thankful when I get into the bathroom and I can finally be alone. But before I walk in, I decide to go to the bedroom.
I walk in and shut the door behind me. I take a seat on  the bed and place my crutches next to me. Thank god. Having my own bed under me is relieving.
I begin to look around the room and everything seems to look the same. It's cleaned up a bit more than how it was on that day but he hasn't changed anything about the room.
There's something about being in your own bedroom after being stuck in a hospital for a month that just refreshing. I wish I could have been here alone but I guess my family did miss me. Still this could've waited a day.

I continue to look around until my eyes land on something, peeking out under a stack of clothes on the dresser. I move my body so I'm closer to it and pull it down to look at it. A notepad. The first few pages are blank but the rest are covered in words.
After only a few seconds I realize what this and I realize that Harry lied to me and what happened was real.
Tears fill my eyes as I continue to read the conversation that we had while I was in my coma, things I thought I dreamt about. They actually happened. Why did Harry lie to me?
This makes me even more frustrated and I toss the notepad across the room. I want to scream, to break something. He made me feel insane, like everything I knew was just something my mind had made up. But he knew it happened! Why would he lie to me like this?
I need to leave, I don't want to be here with him right now. I feel so betrayed.

I pull myself from off the bed with the help of my crutches and take myself out of the room. Once I've left, I look around and find my mom.

"Mom, can we leave?" I ask her and she seems confused and she ends her conversation with my uncle.

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