Boy next door part 3

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Thump. Thump. Thump. 

I ignore the sound coming from somewhere around me. It's probably my upstairs neighbors. I roll over and close my eyes trying to sleep. 

Thump. Thump. Thump. 

This time it's more of a rhythm almost like a knock. I sit up and wait for it again. 

Thump. Thump. Thump 

"(Y/n)!" A voice shouts and now I know someone's at my door. I groan and pull myself from my bed and go through to the living room. I unlock the door and slowly swing it open, squinting at the bright light from the hallway. My eyes adjust and then I see the figure, tall, dark and handsome. Harry. 

"Harry...what are you doing at my apartment at nearly midnight?" I yawn, opening the door the rest of the way. 

"I'm sorry, I locked myself out and I tried to call the super but he didn't answer. I'm sorry, you're the only person I know that lives here" he shrugs, an innocent shrug and gives me a helpless look. 

"Alright come in" I gesture into my apartment. "But this better not be a ploy to make-out or something"  I joke. "It's too late for this" 

"I don't have to create a ploy to make-out with you" he turns to me and smiles. 

"Right...I guess you can sleep on the couch" I gesture to it. "There's a blanket in the hall closet. I'm going back to bed" I wipe my eyes and zombie walk it back to my room. I toss myself on my bed and shut my eyes, falling back into my heavy slumber. 

I roll over, feeling a body next to me I instantly shoot up and look down to see Harry, past out cuddling  one of my pillows. 

"Harry!" I shout, hitting his bare back and yet still admiring his toned body. He jerks and then rolls over to face me. "Why are you in my bed. I thought I put you on the couch." I eye him. His eyes slowly open and then he smiles, a cocky smile. 

"It was uncomfortable. And you didn't seem to mind when you curled up in a ball next to me" he says in a sleepy voice, sitting up. 

"Shut up, I did not" 

"You did. I came in and layed down, I tried to tell you but you were passed out and when I was all tucked in, you curled up next to me and you seemed very happy." He smirks that smirk of his. 

"That doesn't mean you can just sleep in my bed next to me. We don't know each other that well" I glare. 

"I'd say our mouths knew each other pretty well, and that's all that matters" he leans in, pressing his lips to mine, for a second I almost decide to move away from it but I love the feeling too much, I close my eyes and give into his evil ways. He pulls away and smiles a smile that says he's so very proud of what just happened. 

"You need to stop doing that" I order. 

"You like it though." 

"Maybe" I smirk and slide off the bed. "Breakfast time" I say and leave the room. I can hear him following me until we enter the kitchen where he smacks my ass and I jump. 

"Really?" I raise my eyebrow. He shrugs, leaning against the counter and folding his arms across his chest. 

"I was thinking...maybe we could go an actual date" he offers. 

"And by actual you mean?" 

"Like to a fancy restaurant and we sit and talk about our interests" he shrugs. 

"No, I got that. But why would you say actual? We've never done any date type stuff before" 

"Uh, yesterday at my apartment..." 

"That was just two people hanging out" I lie. That was definitely a date and I very much enjoyed it. 

"Right..." He shys away from me. 

"I'm fucking with you" I laugh and he laughs too. "For breakfast we have...fruit loops" I pull from the cabinet. "Cookie crisps personal favorite Cheerios" 

"Cheerios? And the bland kind, please tell me you put sugar on those" he raises his eyebrows. 

"Nope" I shake my head grabbing a bowl. "Plain" I smile pouring the cereal into the bowl. 

"Gross, I'm eating fruit loops, you're a weirdo" he mocks me. I shrug and grab the milk, pouring it and setting next to Harry. 

I sit down in the living room like I do every morning and watch my morning cartoons, my favorite, Teen Titans (the original), after a few seconds Harry plops down next to me, his chewing is very obvious and loud. 

"You never answered me before" he swallows his food and looks to me. 

"About?" I ask. 

"That date" 

"I don't know, you did call me a weirdo earlier" I tease him, taking another bite of my Cheerios. 

"Well, it's like eating cardboard" he scrunches his nose. 

"Have you even tried it?" I question. 

"Well, no but-" 

"Try it and then you can tell me how you feel" I lift the spoon to his mouth. He looks at me, pondering the idea. 

"I don't want it" he shakes his head. 

"If you eat it, I'll go on a date with you" i urge. 


"As a heart attack" I nod. He take the end of the spoon in his mouth, hesitant to pull away and then I pull the spoon out and and watch him chew and swallow. 

"Just as a suspected..." He nods. "Cardboard" 

"Maybe you need to try another bite" I shove another spoon full in his mouth. Same reaction as last time. 

"If I say it's good, will you leave me alone" he raises his eyebrow. 

"Yes" I nod. 

"It's delicious" he lies. I roll my eyes and finish my cereal and he does too. 

After another hour of random banter and him having two more bowls of cereal he calls the super and ask to get his door open, we had to wait another hour for him to show and unlock the door. Harry said he would be picking me up at 8 sharp, tonight. As giddy as I was to be going on a date with him, I believe I came across very nonchalant. He seemed the same but I know after he closed the door to his apartment, he was just as giddy as me.

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