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A/n: I figured after 16k reads, I'd have some suggestions but still nothing...don't be afraid to suggest anything. I'll take anything. Id update more if I had more ideas but I'm running out. Seriously, I'll take anything 

"I'm nervous" I tell my wife (y/n), looking in the mirror, fixing my tie. 

"It will fine. He's a cool guy." She comes up behind me and looks at me in the mirror. She dusts off the shoulders of shirt and smiles. "Harry...he just-he'll warm up to you. I promise. After all you're taking care of his children." She explains and I shrug. 

Harry is (y/n)s ex husband, before they got divorced, they had two wonderful kids together. Carter and Rya. Harry and (y/n) broke up because Harry was too busy for a family life and he couldn't be the father to (y/n)s kids. 

About 4 years ago, (y/n) and I met and fell in love. And 7 months ago we got married. I have yet to meet Harry because he's always so busy with the band he is in but he finally made time to come see his kids who he hasn't seen in 4 years, Carter and Rya are only 6 and 7 so only Carter can remember a little about Harry and Rya doesn't have a clue to who he is. The kids love me, they really do but I hope to god that when they see Harry, they don't instantly fall in love with their dad.

"Jason, just breath. You don't have anyone to impress. Harry needs to try and impress you." She turns me around. "I love you Jason and no matter what happens, we're still a family and the kids will still adore you" I smile down at her and she kisses me. 

The sound of a motorcycle racing down the street breaks our kiss and we walk into the living room. She pulls back the current and she sighs in exasperation. 

"It's him" she says. 

"He drives a motorcycle?!" I groan. 

"Yeah, I forgot about that." 

"How could you forget about that?" I shout. 

"He got it right after the divorce. I only saw him on it once or twice" she explains. He knocks on the door and I mentally shoot myself. She runs to the door and opens it slowly, I follow behind and watch him as he pulls his helmet off and shakes out his long curly brown hair. 

He looks to (y/n) and smiles. 

"Hello love. I've missed you" his British accent sticks out so much. 

"Hi Harry" she says irritated. "This is my husband Jason" she points to me. 

"Hello. It's great to...finally meet you" I reach my hand out. He looks at it like its a new thing he's never heard of. I pull my hand back, brushing it through my hair. 

"Dad!" Carter comes out, running to him. 

"Carter! How's my boy?" He asks picking him up and holding him. It seems like they know each other so well but Carter can barely remember his dad. He was 3 when Harry left. I look down at (y/n) and raise my eyebrow. She shrugs and then looks at them. 

"Harry, why don't you come in." She invites him. Rya comes out a little too and looks Harry as if he's a stranger. 

"Rya. Honey, why don't you come over here" (y/n) looks to her. She pads over to us and looks up st Harry. 

"Daddy?" She rubs her eyes. How did she? 

"Rya. How did you know that?" I ask. 

"He was on the video" 

"Video?" I ask.

"Yeah, a couple days ago we video chatted with dad" Carter tells us. 

"Who's idea was it?" (Y/n) asks them. 

"Dads" Carter tells us. 

"Harry, can I talk to you" she asks. He nods and I follow them. 

"Why would you video chat them?!" She almost shouts. 

"Because I miss them" he says like its something we should know. 

"You did it without asking me" she yells. 

"I didn't think I'd have too, them being my kids and all" he shrugs. 

"Harry, for 4 years the kids never saw you. That's most of their lives. I worked so hard to keep you out of their lives because I didn't want them to let those small memories they had of you grow so that they remembered you." 

"You don't want my kids to remember me?" He says hurt. 

"Not if you aren't in their lives. I was expecting you to come here and see them for a half a day and then leave. I didn't and still don't want you to make an impression on them. Guess it's to late. When you leave again and are gone for another 4 years, they will miss you and ask where you are. I won't be able to tell  them anything"

"Tell them the truth." Harry gets frustrated and Ruffles out his hair. 

"OH, you mean that their dad couldn't mature and be a dad. And that his job was way more important than them." She snaps, stepping closer. This is obviously something that she's thought about. I press my hand on to her shoulder and she moves back. 

"My job isn't more important than them. I love them so much and I deserve to be in their lives. Just because you have a new husband, doesn't mean they can't have their real dad!" Harry's voice is way louder. 

"Maybe it's best if you leave" I chim in. 

"Fine. But I'm taking my children with me" he walks away angrily. 

"Har-" (y/n) runs after him but I grab her arm. 

"Just let him go. He'll bring them back, that's who he wants to see anyways" I tell her. She pulls away from my arm and does into the living room. 

"Just bring them home by 9 tonight or I'll call the police..." She warns him. 

"Whatever." He yells and then to door slams. 

She turns to me and sighs. 

"That's not how I wanted that to go" she puts her face in her hands.

"It'll be alright" I give her a side hug. 

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