Not My Harry 10

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6 Years Later

"Iden please eat your peas already." I beg my 5 year old son for the 5th time.

"No, they're gross." He whine again for the 5th time while shaking his head.

"Iden if you don't eat your peas you're not getting desert and that's final." My husband tells him sternly as he comes in the kitchen.

"No fair! Sadie got desert." He whines.

"Sadie ate her peas." He corrects him. "You have 2 options, eat your peas and have some desert or go upstairs and get ready for bed."

"Fine. I'll eat em." He groans and begins unwillingly shoving spoon fulls into his mouth.

"Thank you honey. I swear he only listens to you." I sigh.

"What can I say? The kid adores me." He grins happily. I shake my head and follow behind him as we enter the living room.

"Orange Juice, stop climbing on to my stuff!" Sadie groans from her seat on the floor in front of the coffee table. I quietly grab her cat from off her work and set him on the floor where he scurries off to another room.

"I told you to do it in your room." I tell her.

"And I told you that if I closed my bedroom door he would meow until I let him in, besides I need dads help."

"Right. What was the question again?" He asks, taking a seat beside him. I believe her homework was about someone in her life who overcame a big challenge and inspires her. She of course picked her father and I couldn't blame her. Although I don't know if they'll like how dark it is.

"What was the sole purpose of your recovery?" She asks.

"That's easy. Your mum and you of course. My family. All 3 of you keep going everyday." He explains and smiles at me. The choice to take Harry back was not an easy one to make. When I found out I was pregnant with Iden my heart sank because I knew he was Harry's and I will still the phase of me getting him out of my life.
It took a lot of courage for me to tell Harry about my pregnancy back then but when I did he was so happy and I saw the young Harry that once protected me. I realized then that it was that Harry all along, he just needed to find his way back to me.
What followed was us, testing the waters with each other and with Sadie. Eventually Sadie grew to love Harry. It was wonderful to watch. Then when I knew we were the family we once were Harry and I had a ceremony to celebrate us getting back together. We burned the divorce papers and renewed our vows. Then I let him move in with us and spend more time with Iden and Sadie. Now, Iden is pretty much daddy's little boy. They do everything together. When Iden was a baby the only person he would stop crying for was Harry. I hated it but if it made them both happy then it made me happy.
Once Sadie got use to Harry, Harry really showed her how sorry he was for putting her through so much. He's teaching her how to drive now and they even started a coin collection together which I remember was something Harry always wanted to do back when we were first dating.
The last 6 years have been so crazy yet so amazing it's hard to believe we're even here.
The first year, after I found out I was pregnant with Iden I debated on it for weeks. I knew he was Harry's and I didn't know if I wanted to tell Harry. I knew it would give him another reason to stay in my life. When I finally worked up the nerve he reacted how I expected him to-happy and excited. I didn't know if I should keep him around or not. For the 9 months that I was pregnant I kept him close and I slowly let him back into my life and then Sadie's. We were friends at least at that time. I wanted to see him in his worst state, to see if he'd act out like he use to and he never did. It surprised me and scared me because I was falling in love with him again and I wasn't sure if he would ever flip a switch and lash out.
After I had Iden, I let him at the house more often, let him speak to Sadie and take care of Iden. Eventually I was comfortable to let him watch them both when I went back to work.
When I finally felt comfortable with him again, after a year and half I told him we could try again. We dated for a few months and then he asked me to be his wife I said yes after the 6th time and we had a ceremony, I wore a beautiful dress, the kids were there and we burned the divorce papers.
I let him move back in after that and we've slowly became our old selves again. We became the family I had always dreamed of.
Now I feel like the Harry that hurt me is light years away from this one. It's scary, everyday I feel like he might snap, on his bad days I get scared of him but he always assures me he's fine and the last thing he would do it hurt me.
I finally feel safe with him again and I couldn't be happier.

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