Not My Harry 2

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"I'll love you forever." Harry tells me as we stand at the court house, getting married. I can't believe we're actually doing this but I love him and always will. He's my everything.
I wake up to the feeling of Harry getting into bed. I close my eyes, hoping I can get back to sleep, hoping Harry doesn't acknowledge me.

"My beautiful wife." He beams and kisses my cheek before pulling me into his embrace and for a moment, just a moment I feel loved. I know it's fake, I know he's pretending to keep me here, to make me think that he's changed. He hasn't. He never will.

I wake up again, this time to my alarm going off. I click it off and turn to see Harry is already out of bed and I groan. Today is going to be rough. I pull some clothes out of my closet and go to the bathroom for a shower.
For most of my shower I'm frozen with fear that he will come in and attack me but he doesn't. I try my best to clean myself up and get out of the shower to get dressed. I have to pretend that I'm okay. For Sadie's sake.

Once I'm dressed I head downstairs to find Harry feeding Sadie her breakfast. He sees me and his face lights up. Another manipulative thing to keep me here.

"Sadie say good morning mommy." He tells Sadie and Sadie obliges. I smile at my beautiful girl and ruffle her hair.

"Good morning gorgeous." I beam and kiss her head.

"I made you breakfast too." He explains and I nod. I notice a plate with eggs and bacon next to the stove, a note with my name sits next to it and I practically sink into the floor.
If you ever leave me, I'll kill you and Sadie. I swear to god. You two are all I have and I'll be damned to lose you.
Now rip this up and throw it away and pretend like all is well.
I gulp down all my tears and rip the paper up, turning to look at him like I understand but I don't. Why does he want to do this to me? I wish he was the Harry I met a long time ago. The Harry I met in college who stopped at nothing to make sure I was happy. The Harry that couldn't wait to marry me. The Harry that when he found out I was pregnant he practically jumped out of his shoes.
This it not my Harry. This Harry is evil and uses manipulation to keep me around him. He uses my own child.

"Well I must get to work." He stands up from his seat, pinching Sadie's cheek and I watch from my place in the kitchen. "Goodbye my perfect girls." He smiles at me and I nod with no smile. I have no smile to give.

"Bye daddy." She calls after him as he leaves the house. I hope he crashes on the way there. I wish I could leave but his threat seemed too real for it to even be a thought. I have no doubt that if I left he would track me down and kill me and Sadie. I need to get a second opinion, my mother was very upset when I chose to come back but I assured her it was for Sadie's sake and I would leave as soon as I had an opening.
I call her and tell her to come over and when she does I feel safer.

"What should I do?" I ask, after piecing the note back together as best I can. She reads it over for a moment and I watch her face go from confused to horrified.

"You need to take Sadie and run. Just go, anywhere but here. File a restraining order and file for divorce. This needs to end now." She tells me and I sigh.

"It's not that easy. Harry could find me, anywhere I go. He will find me and when he does-" I cut myself off, looking to my daughter who is innocently playing in the living room with dolls.

"Your father and I will help you get away from all of this. We'll find someone who can help you that is states away." She says.

"And how will I pay to get there? Harry pays for everything. I haven't had a dime to my name in 4 years."

"I'll pay for it. Anything to get you away from this monster." She begins to cry.

"Mom. Please." I beg her to stop. I don't want Sadie to notice and wonder what's wrong. I need her to be ignorant in this.

"Sorry." She sniffs. "We'll figure it out, okay? I love you." She assures me and I nod.

After my mom and I come with the best plan we can think of, I send her home to make sure she is out of town before Harry gets back. She lives 2 towns over and I don't need Harry to figure out she's here.

"Sadie. Are you ready for lunch?" I ask and she nods. I hear up some chicken nuggets and set her down in front of them. She munches down on them as I clean up the mess my mother and I left.
When I finish putting the dishes in the drainer, Harry comes in and I suck in a breath.

"I'm home." He sings as he walks into the kitchen.

"Hi." I gulp, turning around and pushing my hair behind my ear. He observes the space quietly and his eyes stop on the dish drainer.

"Two coffee cups?" He asks and I practically freeze in my spot. Luckily he doesn't know that my mom has anything to do with me leaving before or that she's helping me do it again.

"Uh mom stopped by." I shrug like it isn't a big deal.

"Oh." He nods. "You should have had her stay, I would have loved to speak with her."

"She...She was just stopping by for a little. She had errands. But she said hi." I tell him and gulp.

"Okay." He says quietly like he's contemplating something. 

"How was-how was work?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Fine." He says and looks to Sadie. "Sadie can you go upstairs for a moment?" He asks. I shrink into myself because I know I'm in for it. She nods and goes upstairs and he steps closer to me.

"What the fuck did you tell your mom?" He asks angrily.

"Nothing." I gasp.

"Bullshit. You've always been a shit liar (Y/N)." He puts his hands around my neck and I gasp for air.

"I didn't-" I groan. Tears fall from my face and I cry out for him to stop.

"If I find out you told anyone! Anything! I swear to god (Y/N)! That'll be the end of you." He snaps and drops me from his grip. I fall to the floor and cry as the monster stands above me. I grab my neck, rubbing it gently. "Get up. Now!" He yells and I pull myself up.

"I didn't tell her anything Harry. I swear it." I lie as best I can and regain my composure.

"Whatever." He grips and walks upstairs. I can't do this anymore. I won't.

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