Unexpected Pregnancy 2

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I'm pregnant. I can't believe it. How will I tell Harry? How will I raise a baby?
All these questions play through my mind as I walk into the doctor office.
Today I find out how far along I am but I'm guessing now about a month along. I haven't had sex with anyone but Harry for 7 months and we haven't even seen each other in a month.
The wait seems shorter than last time and soon enough I find myself laying back on an examination bed waiting for my doctor to come tell me what I already know.
I stare at the ultra sound monitor, knowing that soon enough I'll see the image of my unborn child. I begin chewing on my lip, unsure of what to do.
"Good to see you again (Y/N)" Dr. Parker says as he comes in.
"You too." I say nervously.
"No dad?" He asks nicely.
"He...he doesn't know yet." I admit.
"Oh." Is all he says. "Well I'm going to ask a few questions and then the ultra sound technician will be in soon." He explains and I nod. "First, have you had anymore symptoms?" He asks.
"My morning sickness has gotten worse. I haven't had a bowel movement in a month, I get headaches and can't take anything for them, I'm always tired and I go from crying to angry to happy in the span of 10 minutes." I explain.
"Well, it seems pregnancy has caught up with you." He jokes. He stands and nods before leaving the room.
The ultra sound technician comes in almost instantly and she asks me to lift my shirt. She squeezes the jelly on me and and turns on the monitor. She places the wand on me and looks back at the monitor.
"There's your baby." She says as she points to a small blob.
"Oh wow, it's like there's nothing there." I tell her.
"Don't worry it'll grow within no time and then one day you have a newborn baby in your arms." She smiles. I bite my lip and sit back. "You're baby looks about a month a long." She says as she looks at the monitor. I stare at the small blob and begin to feel joy. This will be okay, I'm gunna be okay.
She removes he wand and wipes away the jelly. "You're done." She says and stands. "I'll go get the image and you can get yourself set up for another appointment."
I stand up and push my shirt down and go to the receptionist. She schedules me an appointment for a month from now and then I get handed a photo of my baby.
I have to tell Harry. My only thought the whole way home. I have to tell Harry.
When I get home I call Harry instantly.
"Hey beautiful." He says as he answers. "I'm on my way home now."
"I-I thought you still had a few weeks left."
"We do but we're on a 5 day break and I wanted to spend it with you." And our unborn baby. I think to myself.
"When will you be home?" I ask.
"In a few hours. What's wrong? You sound nervous." He points out.
"There's..." I almost tell him we need to talk but I don't want him to worry. "There's nothing wrong, just excited for you to be home." I say.
"Good. I'll see you in a little love, I love you." He sings.
"I love you too." I tell him and hang up. In just a few hours I have to break the news that I'm baring a child to my boyfriend of 7 months to him. I don't know how he will take it but I hope nicely.

He arrives at my house around 5 pm and we go out to dinner.
"I've missed you." He sighs and kisses me.
"I missed you too Harry." I smile like there's nothing wrong.
"How have you been?" He asks.
"Good, great. You?"
"Tour has been amazing. You'd love it, you should come with me next time." I can't, I'll be raising our baby. I think to myself.
"Maybe." I nod and take a sip of my water.
"What's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost." He places a hand on mine.
"No, just excited to see you." I shrug. The waitress brings out our food and I can smell Harry's fish tacos. I almost vomit in my mouth and it shows cause Harry looks at me worriedly.
"You look disgusted, I thought you loved fish tacos." He raises his eyebrow.
"I...I do." I try to push the vomit away but it comes up anyways, I rush to the bathroom and vomit up my food.
When I finally finish I wash my face off in the sink, taking a few sips of the water from my hand, trying to get the acid taste out of my mouth.
When I walk out Harry is standing by the door.
"Are you okay?" He asks. It's now or never I guess.
"No...we need to talk." I sigh. "Let's go outside." We walk outside and it takes me a moment as Harry's eyes burn into my soul.
"Harry...I-" I bite my lip. "I'm pregnant." I say quickly to get it out.
"You're..." He fades. "You're pregnant?" He asks.
"Yes, I'm sorry Harry...I know we aren't ready for this..."
"I can't believe this! I'm not ready to be a dad. My tour is only half over...I can't stop now. (Y/N) what am I supposed to do?" He raises his voice.
"What are you supposed to do?! I'm the pregnant one here. You can just walk away but I can't." I shout.
"Well maybe I should. You know, I didn't sign up for this."
"Neither did I Harry! Do you think I've wanted to spend the last week and half knowing I'm carrying a child from a guy who will never be around to help me?"
"You've known for a week and a half and didn't tell me?" His voice gets even louder.
"It's not really something you say over the phone." I glare at him.
"I...I can't take this right now." He sighs and goes back in the restaurant. Tears stream down my face as I call for a taxi. I get it in and tell him my address as I watch Harry exit the restaurant.
"I hope you're doing okay in there cause it's crazy out here." I sigh, patting my stomach.

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