Coma Part 3

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A/N: love the enthusiasm for this story line. That's what I want to see, asking for more parts let's me know you guys are intrigued. I've been writing these imagines for like 5+ years now. I started at 16 or so, so my writing has developed since then. So just thanks for the love, it really shows me I've improved since the first one.
Also side note, I've written most of this story line so don't worry there will be more parts, I just don't want to put them all out in one day. ❤️
Harry sat quietly in the chair next to my bed, the only sound in the room was the beeping from the medical machines. I watch over his shoulder as he slides through pictures of us together. It upsets me that he does this because it only makes him sadder, I can tell that he's worried that I wont remember him or that I wont be how I use to be. When I come out of this I want to try to remember being like this, in this state, I want to have these memories with me as well.

"Harry," My mother got his attention and he looked up, locking his phone. "It's been over a week since you've left this hospital. I'm afraid you are going to lose your mind." My mother tried her best to stay away from my room, just as much as my father. She wanted to be with him as they tried to get through it together.

"I'll lose my mind if I'm away from her though. She's everything to me. I can't help but blame myself for this." He sighs. How could he think that? What happened to me has nothing to do with him! Was this what was weighing on him that I couldn't pin point before? He thought that he was the reason I was in my accident? That doesn't even make sense, he wasn't there. The person responsible got more than what he deserved. Before I could stop myself I was by his side, my hand on his arm and he twisted his head to observe the spot my hand was in as a shiver fell down his spin, he looked up at me, our eyes seemed to meet but I knew that couldn't be true, as he didn't know I was there. Though I was pleasantly surprised when he placed his hand over mine, almost as if he knew I was there. My heart fluttered and my heart monitor seemed to react to it, speeding up for just a moment, not enough to catch anyones attention. I began to wonder if there was a way I could communicate with people through this. But first, this needed to be fixed. Harry needed to know that he wasn't the cause of what happened, I willed my mother to explain that to him, for me.

"Why would you blame yourself?" She finally asked, after staring at him in awe for a few moments.

"If I hadn't left early that day, she wouldn't have left late and she wouldn't have been on the road when that maniac was." He stated simply. The memory of the day flowed through my mind as I recalled the events that lead me to leave late. I had asked Harry to help with the email but he said he couldn't as he was in a rush to leave because he needed to mail something urgently. Without his help it took me longer than needed to send out the email. When I finally sent the email I scrambled to get ready. Surely he doesn't believe that I was upset that he didn't help me. It was my own fault that I couldn't finish the email fast enough, I should have finished the email the night before.

"I'm not following." My mother pushed. Harry moved his hand from his arm and ran it through his hair, I removed my hand from him and moved to be on the other side of him so I could see him, I stood next to my mother waiting for a better explanation. My mother shivered at the draft I had created.

"The night before, she needed to write an email out for a different job. She hated working as a receptionist so I talked her into asking for a promotion. She was planning on writing her boss an email about moving up. She planned to write it that night when she got home but I wanted to-uh..." he trailed off and the image of what happened that night took place. My heart raced slightly again and the monitor caught it as well, this time for a second longer and only Harry caught on to it, eyeing the machine as my heart rate went up for a second. Either that or he was trying to think of something other than what happened, I can feel his heart rate go up as well. "Well we-" he gulped and my mothers face went crimson as she caught on. If I were awake right now I would vomit.

"I got it." she stopped him from continuing. I sat down now at the foot of my bed, trying to gain control of my emotions again.

"If I hadn't-" he paused trying to find a way to speak about it without saying exactly what he was trying to say. "Hadn't postponed her from the email and then left early in the morning, she could have finished it and left on time." he finished. He can't be serious. None of that matters, he's still not responsible for any of that.

"Harry, come on. You can't truly believe you're the reason-for this." My mother said and gestured towards my body. "It was the man who didn't slow down when he was supposed to. He wasn't obeying traffic laws. It was his fault. How do you think shed feel if she heard you blaming yourself?" I would be irritated at him as I am now. I suppose irritated isn't the right word, upset is better or even frustrated. Frustrated that I can't explain to him that this isn't his fault and I do not blame him.

"It doesn't matter boss wants me back at work tomorrow anyways. He's agreed to cut my hours for now though. I'll still sleep here but I'll need to leave for about five hours a day." I felt sad that he wouldn't be here with me but happy to know that he would be able to on with life. I would still be here, in this bed when he was done. My mother would be here to hold my hand while he was away. I wanted to tell him that too.

"I'll stay with her while you're gone. You should go sleep in your own bed though." My mother told him and I thanked her for telling him what I couldn't.

"No." he shook his head. "I wont be able to sleep without her. Knowing she's here and not in bed with me will drive me insane. Being away from her for five hours a day is enough insanity, don't you think?" he countered.

"I appreciate your concern for my daughter. Something my husband is lacking..." she sighed. My father was not lacking concern, in fact he was probably the most concerned. Again, something I wanted to express to them. "You love her, thank you for taking care of Harry. When you become a parent the rest of your life is dedicated to your child and when they become an adult themselves you are able to back off but there's always the lingering feeling of needing to keep them safe. Most of the time all you can do is hope that they end up with someone who can do that. You've proved that to me, that you can replace the safety that she no longer needs from my husband or I. So thank you for that." she paused, looking at my body. "But at the same time, Im sure your parents would appreciate your safety too, you've barely ate in this last week or slept. As a parent, I need to keep you safe as well. Please, for her-go home, eat a full meal and sleep on a bed." I could see the worry for Harry in her eyes and he could too, instead of refusing he looked up at her, his eyes glossy now. His hands folded together, his chin placed on top of them in thought. He did need to take care of himself too, if there was a part of him that I knew I was here with him, maybe he would be better. I'd stay right over his shoulder while he was from me.

"Okay." He croaked out. It took him a few more minutes before he got up from where he had been sitting all day, unfolding his hands and using them to push himself off of the chair. He leaned into my face and pressed a kiss to my cheek, brushing his hand through my hair. "I love you." he sighed. My heart once again fluttered, I willed it to affect the monitor and it did, this time getting Harry's full attention, beeping faster twice before going back to normal. Confusion and wonder ran over his face. I had caught his attention. I wanted to keep it, so I grabbed his hand and he felt it the breeze around his finger. He stood there for a moment, flicking his fingers gently back and forth, trying to gain sense of the cold chill that now surrounded him.

"See you tomorrow Harry." My mother said, pulling his attention from me. I could tell he wanted to stay and fiddle with the idea of me being here consciously with him. I would follow him if I could and he wouldn't need to worry about that.

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