Long Imagine part 5

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After 18 long hours of labor Darcy Gemma Styles is born on October 14th 2014 6 pounds 8 ounces 12 inches long.

You lay on the bed exhausted and sweat dripping down your forehead as Harry stands next to you petting your hair as you wait to hold your baby for the first time.

"I love you. You did amazing" Harry whispers and kisses your head.

You smile and close your eyes.

"Okay. Here she is. Beautiful baby girl" The nurse says as you open your eyes and position yourself.

She places Darcy in your arms and you look at her. She is so gorgeous. She has Harry's eyes and your nose.

"Beautiful" Harry brushes his hand against Darcy's face.

Louis and Eleanor walk in with a smile.

"Where's my niece?" Louis laughs.

"Can you take a picture?" Eleanor asks handing a digital camera to the nurse. Eleanor walks to us and we all look at the camera with a smile.

"Say baby" The nurse laughs and then we all say baby and the camera clicks.

"Here you go" the nurse hands the camera back to Eleanor.

"Can I hold her?" Louis asks and you nod and hand Darcy over to Louis.

"She's gorgeous" Louis smiles at you.

"Thank you" you giggle.

"So what are you gunna name her?" the nurse asks.

"Darcy" You and Harry say at the same time looking at her as she is being held in Louis' arms.

"That's a cute name" Eleanor says.

"Harry picked it out" you tell them.

"I didn't pick it out I more like planned it for a while" he chuckles.

Louis hands Darcy over to Eleanor and Darcy smiles and you begin to cry.

"Babe what's wrong" Harry rubs your arm.

"She's just so gorgeous" you cry.

They all start laughing and you smile.

"You should get some rest babe. 18 hours of labor can make some one real tired" Harry pats your arm.

"Ah ok. Let me say good night to my baby" you grab for her.

Eleanor hands you Darcy and you lay her on your chest.

"Goodnight baby. I love you" you whisper and kiss her head.

The nurse pulls Darcy away and soon sleep over takes your body. You feel Harry kiss your forehead as you fall asleep.

A/N I know its not long but writers block sucks. Any ways I just wanted to let you all know that Long Imagine will be popping randomly. Its the same story line. It will continue as I make more imagines.
So yeah.
Bye ♥♥♥♥

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