Rich Boy

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Drunk. That's what I am. That's all I ever am. A drunken idiot, is what my mother calls me. Of course it doesn't matter to me. Every night I end up with another girl in my bed. Why wouldn't they want to sleep with me though? I'm bloody rich.

Yes, my mother owns a couple of corporate offices and that gives me access to everything I want. My own pint house over looking Manhattan, every little thing I could want, from fast cars to actual props from movies. Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it. That's when I get drunk and forget. I like to forget everything that I do, makes life easier.

"It's time to wake up Harold. You have a meeting with your mother." My nanny tells me as she enters my room. To some people still having a nanny is weird and inappropriate but my mother deemed it necessary for me to keep her into my 20s because of all the mayhem I cause. For me, she's the only constant in my life so I need her.
The girl on my arm groans and wakes up the bright light from the curtains.

"I don't want to see her Ruth. She's going to be mean to me." I whine. I've never really enjoyed my mother's presence. My father died when I was 10 and he was my rock, after he went, I felt like I could never live up to him so I didn't.

"It doesn't matter what you want Harold. Anne needs to speak with you." She tells me as she cleans up my room. Taking clothes from off different objects and throwing them a basket.

By the time I'm unwilling dressed in a suit and tie, I've already downed 3 shots of whiskey, bringing me back to my drunken stupor. I put my flask in my jacket pocket and get into one of my cars.

"Johnson!" I mumble. "Take me to the liquor store." I say.

"No. I must take you to meet with your mum." He explains and I told my eyes.

"Fine, fine, you win. Take me to the strip club!" I shout. He says nothing and drives me there. He's such a nice fellow.
Upsettingly we end up at my mums work building and I groan.

"Go on Harry." Johnson tells me and I reluctantly leave the car.
I take a large gulp out of my flask and make my way up the building, why does she have to be on the top floor? CEOs are so annoying.

"Hello Harry." The receptionist greets me. She's really pretty.

"Whats your name darling." I lean on the counter and wink. She smiles and leans closer to me.

"Harold." My mother snaps from beside me and I groan.

"Mum." I sigh and walk to her. She pulls me in to her office and orders me to sit down.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point here. For the past few years you've done nothing but bring my company down. No one wants to invest because no one wants to be attached to a business who has someone like you apart of it..."

"That's kind of rude." I mumble as I take another swig of my drink.

"Well, that's just how it is. Anyways, I have two options for you. One you can marry Vivian Elder. She's a nice, smart girl who will make you look better." Ugh, Vivian. We dated for a month last year. She's the devil.

"No thanks, I'd rather take my chances with the devil." I stand up.

"Okay, then say goodbye to everything. All, 130 million dollars." She says and I almost vomit at the thought.

"You're right. Vivian is a nice girl. Perfect for me. Obviously." I tell her and she nods.

"That's what I thought. You'll propose tonight, make it public." She tells me and hands me a ring. My grandmothers engagement ring. My mother refused to wear it because she wanted something new. I've always admired it. I finish off my flask and head outside.

"If you'll turn to this building, you'll notice the architectural structure of the way the glass is." A beautiful woman with (y/h/c) says to a group of people, gesturing to my mothers building.

"Yeah and if you look close enough you can see your face." I explain to them and she looks back at me. She smiles awkwardly at me and I smile back.

"(Y/N)." An officer calls her name and she groans. "What did we tell you about giving out tours when you don't have a permit?"

"You're right, let me just...." She says and begins running and I run with her, I can't let those coppers get me. I'm drunk. If they would have acknowledged that I was there they would have called me out. We run for a while until we are stopped by another cop and she stops and sighs.

"Why run? Now I have to take you in." He tells her.

"I was on my way to get my permit." She shrugs. He looks at her like she's dumb and I know what I have to do.

"Boys, let me introduce my fiancé." I explain, they look from her to me. "We're getting that building. Those were our family members." I explain to them as well as I can in my drunken stupor.

"Fiancé?" He asks. I look to (y/n) and kiss her, fully. She's reluctant but gives in.

"I love you." I tell her and she just looks at me dumbfounded.

"Right...." the cop says. "Nice performance Harry." He laughs.

"(Y/N), get a permit." The other one says and they walk off.

"What just happened? Who are you?" She asks as Johnson pulls up.

"Names Harry. Nice to meet you." I put my hand out for her to take it. "And considering we're already engaged, I would hope you would agree to date?" I ask. She looks from me to my car then back at me.

"Harry, we have to go." Johnson announces.

"Well?" I ask.

"555-4326" she says her number as Johnson pulls me in the car.

"Did you remember that?" I ask him as I get in. I like this girl.

I'm sitting at this restaurant, wishing I wasn't. The woman is a devil. Do I really need money? Couldn't I be homeless? No.
Vivian looks at me with a smile but I know she's doing it for show. She's always been someone who needs to be perfect to the public eye, that's why I'm supposed to marry her so I'll look perfect.

"I don't love you." I tell her and roll my eyes. She smiles, looking around. She doesn't care how I feel about her, she just wants to marry because of my money.

"I love you too Harry." She smiles, saying it loudly. "Do it now." She orders.

"Do you really want to be in marriage where I don't love you?" I ask, drinking my drink down.

"Listen. This is a business transaction at most. I don't like you either but if you want to keep your million you'll get down on one knee now." She orders and I sigh. Curse the money and my need for it. I reluctantly pull the ring from my jacket and get down one knee.

"Loudly." She orders. I roll my eyes and huff.

"Vivian. Will you marry me?" I ask and look around at all the eyes on us.

"Yes! Of course Harry!" She shouts and I slide the ring on. Whatever. She stands me up and presses a kiss to my lips and I groan. The crowd cheers and claps for us, if only they knew.

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