Long imagine part 8

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A/N: that's right I'm bringing it back

2 years later

I can't believe it's already been 2 years since I had my little baby Darcy. She's grown up so much, she can walk and even form sentences. The best part is that Harry has been on vacation for the past half year so he can be apart of her life more.

"Darcy, do you wanna color the princess?" Harry asks her. I peek into her room to watch them, a smile slowly spreads across my face as I watch them. He sits on her lap, coloring away and he just watches her, as if it's the best thing he's ever seen. Harry looks up and sees me watching.

"Hey babe" he smiles, Darcy turns her head to see me and smiles, the same smile as her dad.

"Mommy, come see!" She shouts, pulling her coloring book up to show me. I take the book from her and observe the messy coloring job of my 2 year old daughter. Different colors thrown all over the page, most of it off the actual drawing but I think it's the best thing I've ever seen.

"Darcy, it's great" I smile, handing the book back to her. Her smile widens and then Harry pulls me on the empty spot on his lap.

"My 2 favorite girls" he kisses the top of my head. I turn to face him and kiss his lips once and then smile a smug smile. And suddenly I realize that I made it, after 27 years, I've completed the ultimate goal in life, having a small family with the man I love.

All of the sudden I get the urge to throw up, I pull myself off of Harry and run to the bathroom, I lift the toilet seat up and let vomit hurl itself from my mouth into the toilet. Tears brim in my eyes as I let my dinner and breakfast makes it way from my stomach to the toilet.

"(Y/n)? Love? Are you alright?" He asks. I sit down against the wall, and turn to him.

"Yeah...it's weird, I've felt fine all day" I shrug. "I still feel fine. I don't know why I would-" and that's when it hits me. I might just be pregnant. I give him a look and realization hits his face.

"No. No way, you started birth control...right?" He asks.

"I mean, yeah...a little" I shrug.

"A little! What's that suppose to mean?" He questions.

"I've been to busy the last couple weeks to remember to take it"

"(Y/n)! Oh my god, are we ready for a second kid?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Of course we are, were married and already have a wonderful 2 year old. We talked about wanting a second kid anyways, right?" I pull myself up and move closer to him.

"Yeah but that was months ago, this is really sudden" I looks at me then the wall then back to me.

"It really doesn't matter how sudden it is, if I'm really pregnant then we're having this baby."

"I know, I'm just in shock"

"You're not a first time dad Harry" I shake my head.

"I know, I just..." He trails off.

"How about I go get a pregnancy test and you stay here and watch Darcy...we'll figure it out, okay just calm down" I pat his chest and go to my bedroom.

2 minutes, 2 minutes until I find out if I'm going to have a second kid. I feel a little terrible because Darcy was planned and this second child wouldn't have been planned, but we did talk about it a little. It was more of a casual thing. I had brought up having a second child and he said he could see us having another baby, once Darcy was old enough.

1 minute. Am I sweating? This isn't that big of a deal, so what if I have another kid, that's a good thing. Darcy will be a big sister, imagine the look on her face when we tell her she's isn't going to be the baby anymore. Imagine once those two get old enough playing around the house and protecting each other. Imagine them being best friends. And I could imagine it...because I was, in fact pregnant.

The two pink lines become more visible on the small stick in my hand and not a second later the stick dropped from my hand and my mouth became ajar.

"Harry!" I shout. My breath, slowly coming back to me.

"Are we?" He comes in with Darcy hooked around his hips. I slowly nod and stand up. The room is dead silent, Harry mimics my face, a shocked look, a smile slowly creeps up my face and I shout in excitement. Darcy gets excited too and I pull Darcy from Harry into my arms. I look to Harry who is now smiling.

"Darcy, honey you're going to be a big sister!" I shout and she smiles.

"What's that mean?" She questions.

"It means mommy is going to have a baby grow in her belly and in a little while the baby is going to come out and you'll be older then hm and you'll teach the baby all kinds of stuff" Harry tells Darcy, taking her back into his arms.

"When is the baby going to come?" She asks, looking between us.

"9 months. You'll be 3 by then. And you'll have enough life experience to teach your little brother or sister lots of stuff"

"Yay! Can I go play with my toys now?" She asks.

"Yes" I laugh. Harry lets her down and she runs away to her room.

"So..." Harry pauses. "We're having another baby"

"Yeah." I smile. He pulls me in for a hug and kisses the top of my head.

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