You Have a tramatic experience

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Harry's POV 
"Almost a week ago my girlfriend had a very sad and tramatic thing happen to her. At one of my concerts she was malled by thousands of fans. Now I'm not saying she just tackled. I mean louds of fans beat the shit out of her, not with just their fists but with bats and other various items. She was hurt badly, a broken arm, concision, broken nose, there was a lot of blood and she got a lot of brusies. And all they kept saying while hurting her as I tried to push through to her was "You are worthless" or "Go die". After me and security pulled her out of it I cried for hours while on the way to the hospital. It wasn't just the fact that she was beaten up by my fans but it was the fact that she was shouting "Harry, help" over and over and I didn't hear her until it was to late. And we had to cancel the rest of the tour which I'm fine with, the fans don't deserve it if they want to beat up my girlfriend. 
We got back from the hospital 2 days ago and she hasn't said a word since the incident. I keep begging her to say something but she won't. She just stares off in space and whenever I go to touch her she flinges. 
Your POV 
I stare out into the living room looking at the wall, I can't find the ablitlty to talk, I haven't been able to find it since I was beat up my hundreds of fans a week ago. "You're a slut" the words flash in my mind. "Go die" the image of the girls hovering over me beating me are implanted in my brain and thats the only thing I can think of other than Harry crying and apologizing which makes me want to cry because it wasn't his fault, none of it but I can't find the ability to cry either. Harry's hand raises over me and I fling in my seat. 
"No baby. Please, I would never hurt you" he cries placing his hand on my cheek and rubbing it softly over the bruise. "I know your upset and I am so sorry for what happened." he tells me and I want to cry on his shoulder while he whispers that he loves me but I can't move or talk ot cry. Its like I forgot how. 
"I love you so much" he kisses my cheek. A knock on the door leads Harry there. 
"Hi, we wanted to see (Y/N). Hows she doing?' I hear a faint voice.
"Not good, shes hurting and she want talk or eat or anything. I'm really worried about her" Harry tells the unknown voice. 
"Can we come in?" he asks. 
"Sure" Harry invites them in. 
"Hi (Y/N)." Louis smiles as he comes in with Niall behind him. 
"We miss you" Niall tells me as I just stare at the wall like I have been. Harry sits in his seat beside me and moves his hand making me flinch. Louis and Niall look at me like I'm a science expieriment and sit on the couch. 
"Has she been like this the whole time?" Louis asks. 
"Yeah, apart of me picking her up and laying her on the bed to sleep. I don't even think she does sleep." he sighs. I don't, hes right. I just stare at the ceiling until morning as images of what happened play in mind. When I close my eyes all I see are those girls charging at me which makes me flinch. Is this my life now? Staring off in space and people talk about me like I'm not in the room. 
"(Y/N). Please talk to us. We want to hear your voice" Niall pleads but I say nothing. "Maybe she should see a therapist. She's not going to get over this sitting in here looking at a wall" 
"I was thinking about it. Maybe I should take her tomorrow" Harry looks at me. Maybe I should go to the therapist I want nothing more then to be apart of society and to not be talked about like I'm not in the same room. 
The Next Day 
Harry is currently taking me to the therapist along with Niall because he really wanted to support me which is sweet but I couldn't say much because I can't fucking talk. Once we get inside Harry sits me down on the chair and I stare at the wall until they call my name, Harry helps me and takes me to the man. "You'll do great, I love you" he kisses my temple and the man takes me in his arms walking me to the couch. 
"Hello (Y/N), my name is Dr. Rein. Now your boyfriend tells me that you were just in a tramatic expierence and you can't talk or eat or do anything. But I promise you once you get out of here you'll be talking and eating again" he says a mouth full and I say nothing. "Lets talk about what happened. A week ago you were at Harry's concert and girls tackeled you and beat you. They called you things and told you to die. Well (Y/N), Harry wants me to inform you that he loves you and he knows its his fault." 
Him saying that makes a tear trickle down my face, its not his fault. I want to tell him that. 
"He says he should have pulled you out before they got near you. It is his fault don't you think? He should have been the one to pull you away, he should have fought through the fans. I blame him" Dr. Rein says and I want to get up and hurt him all my anger is rising to the surface. "He should have warned you. Now I wasn't there but as your boyfriend he should constantly be around you taking care of you.." 
"No!" I shout and he flinges in his seat. "He didn't know it was going to happen and neither did I. Its not anyones fault except those awful fangirls. They want him and they can't have him cause hes mine" I cry out. 
"That was faster then I thought" he smiles. 
"Wh-what?" I ask looking at him. 
"Its a method of getting someone to talk. Making them angry, causing them to yell." he explains and I wipe my tears away. 
"Well whatever. I'm done here. I want to see Harry." I get up and walk to the front area. 
"(Y/N)?" Harry stands up. 
"Harry, I'm sorry and I love you. You have to know I don't blame you." I tell him still crying standing at the door. 
"(Y/N)?" he asks again and then runs up to me and hugs me. "I've missed you so much baby girl" he breathes looking at me in the eyes, our noses touching, his hands cupping my cheeks. I just cry and melt into him. He holds me tight, god I love him so much 

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