He Dies

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Harry's POv 

A bright light shines above me and the boys as we make our way on the stage. Thousands of fans scream our names as we begin the first song. As I sing I search for my girl, the love of my life (Y/N). She said she was going to be here. 
I look out in to the crowd looking up and down for her, I had a surprise for her. As long as she was here I could give it to her. After the song I still couldn't find her. 
"(Y/N)" I speak into the microphone. "If you're here come to the stage, I have something for you" this is the only way I'll be able to find her. After a few minutes of no one coming the boys tell me, we have to staer on the next song. I manage to bealch out my solos as I continue to wonder where my girlfriend is. 

Your POV

I'm sat chatting with Eleanor as the boys run out on stage. I can already listen to her because I love the song they're singing. I told Harry I was coming and he doesn't know I am but I plan on making an apperance after everyone is gone. 
"(Y/N)" Harry's voice booms through the back. "If you're here come to the stage, I have something for you" he says. What do I do? Should I go out there...in front of all those people. I've never actually gone on stage before. 
"What do I do?" I ask Eleanor. 
"Go out there. He wants you" she smiles. 
"But...theres got to be hundreds. I was going to go out there when everyone was gone" I explain. 
"(Y/N) it will be fine." 
"I don't know" 
"Just do it" 
"Maybe I should wait...just a few minutes" I shrug. All of the sudden they start singing the next song. "After this song" 

Harry's POV 

We finish the song and theres no (Y/N). She promised she was going to be here. She said she had no plans and would be here even before the concer started. I sigh and walk to Niall. 
"Where is she" I yell only loud enough for Niall to hear. 
"Something must have happened" he shrugs. I roll my eyes and look out in to the crowd. None of my fans would stand me up. I tap on my shoulder makes me turn around and its her. At that moment all my anger just melts away. I pull her for a hug. 
"Sorry I'm late Harry." she whispers in my ear. I couldn't care less that she was late, just thats she's here. "I'm a bit scared to be honest" she says when I pull away. 
"Its alright love. I'm just so glad you're here" I smile at her. She smiles back. 

Your POV 

"Hey everyone...this is my girlfriend if you didn't know. We have been together for about...4 years. So as long as I have been with the boys. Is that amazing?" Harry says walking towards the front of the stage holding me tight against him. I'm shaking really hard as I look out on to the crowd of people who either hate me or love me. And I'm scared that the majority does hate me. They roar in excitment answering Harry's question. 
"Four years is a long time now, isn't it?" he questions. I'm confused now. "(Y/N). I love you more then the whole world. More than anyone in my life. You make me the happiest man in the entire world." he smiles and gets on one knee. I gasp and start crying. "Will you do the extrodinary honor of marrying me?" he opens a black box with a ring in it. Its the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my entire life. I can't believe this is happening. And in front of all these girls. 
"Yes" I squeak. Harry's smile grows as he points the ring on. He stands up and pulls me in for a hug. 
"I love you" he whispers in to my ear. 
"I love you too" I whisper back. 
I hear a bang and then Harry gasps. The boys run to Harry's side as he gets heavy in my arms. The boys pull him from me and I gasp as I see the blonde on him and I. I hear another bang and I collapse. My leg is hurting like a mother fuck. I grab my leg and examine the bullet wound. Niall is at my side. He slides me to the back. I cry as I see Harry laying on the ground in pain. 
"What happened?" I cough. 
"You both got shot." Louis tells me. 
"We don't know..." 
"Harry." I crawl to him. "Harry" I shake him. 
"The ambulance is on their way" Paul comes in. I lay next to Harry crying into his chest. 
"(Y/N). Love. If I don't....don't make it. I love you. I give you permisson to move on" he sounds out. 
"No. No. I don't want anyone else. I want you. You're going to live Harry" 
"I love you" he whispers and then closes his eyes. 
"Harry!! Harry!!" I shake him. He doesn't answer and I contine to cry. I stand up and limp my way on stage. I grab the nearest mic and stand in the far back where no one can see me. 
"What did you do?!" I scream. "Why did you do it?" I cry. 
"You killed him" I fall. Anger and pain boils over me. "Hes dead because of you. This is your fault. You are the worst fans in the world!" the anger is full on and I want them to feel the pain. I call the camera man over. 
"Go back there and put on the screen what Harry looks like" I tell him. He doesn't hesitate. Soon the screen is showing Harry. He's still breathing but hes slowly dying. I have to look away. "See what you fuckers did, to your idol. You're all monsters. All of you" I can hear their crys and thats exactly what I want. 
"Go home!! Never call you're selfs fans again"I shout and throw the mic on the floor leaving them with the screeching noise. Some one picks me and up and carries me to the back again. Harry is still in the spot I left him in, breathing heavily.
"They killed you. I will get my revenge Harry. I will" I sob into his chest. 
"Noo. No." he shakes his head coughing. 
"They took you away from me." 
"No...they. They....it was some one-some one else" 
"Who Harry. I'll get them" 
"I don't know...it wasn't the fans...they wouldn't" 
"Who?" I ask. "Who killed you?" 
"I-I don't know.." he coughs. 
"I love you" I push my face in his chest. 
"I love you..." he manages his last words and then I can't feel his heart beat anymore. 
"Harry! NO! COME BACK" I scream but its to late. Hes turning cold. "Harry" I sob. I look up at the boys and they are crying as well. 
"Boys...hes gone" I wipe away my tears only for more to come tumbling down my cheeks. They look at me with tears in their eyes. Niall gets up and pulls me to his chest. 
"I'm sorry" he whispers. 
"Harry come back" I drop from Niall back on to my fiance's chest. 
"Come back" I beg

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