He yells at you

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You wake up having a massive headache. You look over at your boyfriend Harry is passed out. You and Harry went out last night and you both got super drunk.
As soon as you guys got home you both passed out.
You sit up and go to the bathroom.
Mistake. Your dizzy and light headed. Your head ways a town. You grab some aspirin and wash them down with some water.
You walk to the living room sit down rubbing your temples.
Could your headache get any worse?
"(Y/N)!" Harry yells and your head starts bounding.
"Yes" you look towards the bedroom.
"What the fuck is this?" he asks coming in with your phone.
He shows you your phone and on it is a text that's say: "hey sexy lets hang out." You have no idea who that is from or why they would be texting you.
"Hmm? Who is this? Are you fucking cheating on me?" he screams.
"No Harry. Of course I'm not. I have no idea who that is." you sigh trying not to get loud.
"Sure. Well he won't be texting you back after what I said to him" he huffs handing you your phone. You scroll through your phone until you see the text Harry sent.
Sent:"listen here. and listen good. This (Y/N)'s boyfriend if you ever EVER!!! text her again I will hunt you down. Got it!"
"What gives you the right. to go through my phone Harry?!" you yell not caring about your head anymore.
"When you might be cheating I have every right to go through your phone! And I didn't go through it. I woke up to your damn phone going off!"
"I am not cheating Harry! I can't even believe you would think like that! I love you! How do you not trust me!?"
"If you aren't cheating then you shouldn't care if I go through it"
"I don't care...but when you text someone with my phone I might get a little angry" you say sarcastically.
"So you do know that guy? And you are cheating?" his voice raises.
"NO! I am not cheating....I wouldn't even think about it!"
"Yeah. How am I suppose to believe that?"
"Because!.... Because I love you"
"Oh and that makes me believe you?"
"Yes Harry!"
"I bet that's what you say to that guy your talking to"
"I don't say that to him because I don't know that guy"
Harry opens his mouth to speak but then my phone goes off. I pick it up and look at the new text.
"Oh! That must be your lover. Better answer it" Harry huffs.
You ignore him and read the text.
"(Y/N)? I'm sorry. Wrong number."
It says and you bite your lip to keep from laughing.
"Why don't you read the text" you shove the phone in his chest and walk away.
"Oh" is all you hear as you close the bathroom door to start laughing.

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