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The eolian sound of the wind roaring as I rode down the pitch black pavement filled my ears and tussled my midnight black hair.

Road dark and moon high, I traveled through the silence of the night— the throaty sound of my motorbike filling the streets.

I had no time to lose, being late to a meeting with All for One wasn't something I strived to do. The thought of being a second later than the set time caused me to floor my exhaust.

I was never late to anything, it wasn't my style— so the fact that I was already five minutes late and doing 120 made me scowl beneath my black helmet.

I arrived at the gates of a reserved forest and rode through the illusioned entrance. It wasn't a forbidden forest, it was simply one of the many hidden bases the League of Villains inhabited.

After passing the many security check points, I came to a stop at the mammoth base. The mechanical door of the base opened up wide as I rode my motorbike down into the parking lot.

As I parked, my eyes trained to the impressive collection of vehicles. Wealth emanated everywhere I looked. I guess that's just the vibe the League exudes. Power.

Unlimited, mouth watering power.

After parking a few meters away from an army tank, I kicked off my bike and cracked my sore neck as I walked up to the security gate.

Armed men stood at the stairway gate, stone cold expressions on their impassive faces. I decided to pay them no mind as I passed them only to freeze when one grabbed my arm.

"And just who the hell do you think you are!?" He spat, roughly tugging my arm as he leered at me. I knew what he was about to do. I met his gaze and he knocked my head with the back of his hand—my helmet rattling against my head.

"Answer me damnit!" He seethed, a vain popping in his forehead. I answered him by swiftly stabbing him in the neck with one of my knives.

His eyes widened as I twisted the knife inside of him and he staggered as I yanked it out—falling to the floor. Oops. I kinda feel sorry for the asswipe. I give zero fucks.

His friends held their guns up to me with shakey hands and I payed no mind to them as I popped my helmet off. They stepped back in fear and I stared down at the man on the floor.

He was bleeding out as he struggled for breath and I almost smiled at the sight. Instead, I turned around and walked through the gate—leaving them to deal with the dying man.

The league was no more shorter of guards than they were short of idiots, what's one man?

My footsteps echoed through the white tiled halls and employees split like the red sea as I walked with careful calculated steps.

Some eyed me with fear, others with envy—I couldnt bring myself to care for the anomalies of human emotion. Even though I often use it to my advantage, it was far too trivial for my liking.

I soon reached the huge doors of the room where I would meet All for One. Two guards stood outside and bowed as they opened the doors for me, heads staring at the floor in fear.

They closed the doors behind me and I was left standing infront of the huge office desk where the black haired man, who had called for me, sat behind it with a smile.

The room was spacious and modern, the opposite of what one would think the king of darkness enjoyed. The floors were cladded in black and gold carpeting and two small couch chairs sat infront of the large desk.

The black haired man decided to speak, "Hello Ikari, I'm glad you could make it." He greeted with a warm smile as I stood in the center of the room, clutching my helmet in my right arm.

I nodded my head once and returned his smile, "It's good to be here. How are you father?"

He gestured for a chair infront of his desk with a lazy hand movement, "I'm glorious. Please do take a seat."

I complied with his request and sat my helmet on the floor next to me. "How was your last mission?" He asked filing through some paperwork as he spoke. "As successful as ever. The late president of Russia is now a mere name in the history books." I told him, my voice flat.

He smiled a gleeful grin as he sat in his leather seat, "I expect nothing less from my own blood." He praised making a feeling of joy sprout in my being.

I regarded him with a small smile before he spoke again, "I have a new mission for you." He informed me, making my eyes almost fall out of my head.

My father never gave me missions directly. He always gave them to my brother to relay to me, so having him tell me directly must mean it's important.

"I need you to infiltrate U.A high school." He said with a flat look on his face. His bright blue eyes shined down at me and they reminded me very much of my own.

I raised a brow for a split second, "U.A? You mean the school for heroes?" I asked in confusion as I furrowed my brows a centimeter. "Exactly." He regarded my concerns and explained, "The school where All-Might himself is said to teach this coming school year."

My brows shot up. If AllMight was to teach there, this could be our chance to kill him once and for all. No symbol of peace is the equivalent to utter chaos which means we'd be in full power.

My father continued, "I chose you for this mission because I know I can trust you. I need intel on him and the easiest attack strategies, what better way than my trusted daughter do it for me?" His smile was warm.

My heart clenched at his words: I needed to do this. My father trusts me with a mission and has taken the time out of his day to speak with me. I'm not going to back down. "You can count on me." I assured him.

He smiled greatfully as he ran a hand through his black hair, "I knew I could count on you." He complimented making me smile a fraction of an inch.

"You'll have to take the entrance exam to get into the hero course. I need you to be as close to him as possible so getting into the top class is preferred." He explained as he smoothed out his black suit.

I nodded firmly, "I won't let you down." I promised as I looked up at him. He grinned, "I know you won't." The words further determined me not to disappoint him.

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