fifty eight

486 18 7

A dim light flooded through the room emanating from the modern T.V in the living room. A blonde woman droned on about a raid that had just happened.

I didn't expect not to be but I was right. The four classmates of mine I had seen Saturday morning were all going on a mission. "They captured Chisaki, huh?" Nem lifted her head up from where she was crocheting on the couch next to me.

Looking at the news for a second, she spoke, "You know him?" It wasn't a matter of knowing him, rather a forced interaction that I had to endure. I scoffed, fisting the fluffy covers we were covered in, my mind twisting in anger.


I'd assumed it was like any other day, I'd get given a mission and I'd have to pass without fail. It was what I lived for. It was my drive.

I didn't expect to be standing in a room full of elite villains, my nineteen year old brother standing next to me. The room was lit with an orange hue that exuded from the expensive chandelier in the middle of the large room.

I heard him say something but I couldn't pull myself out of my mind as I stared at the black haired man across the room. I wanted to speak to him but I knew disturbing him would anger my brother.

So I stuck to staring, admiration lining my crystal blue eyes. He had this effortless way to him, elegance that I wished I had inherited. I wanted that elegance, to feel untouchable like my father.

"I was speaking to you." A tug of my arm snapped me out of my thoughts. Tomura was scowling at me, his red eyes narrowing as he gripped my arm with his four fingered gloves.

They were designed for the prevention of his quirk, it being disastrous if five fingers touched something. He was destructive by nature.

"Stop staring like a creep. I doubt father appreciates it." I gave him a nod of understanding, fear hitting my being at his sardonic warning.

I didn't have to stop staring though, as father was walking over with a rather interesting man, his face gracing a bird mask. "Tomura, Ikari, I'd like you both to meet Kai Chisaki." The bird man stared at us with cold eyes.

He seemed like the rational type but that didn't mean he didn't exude a dangerous aura. He practically emanated evil and I was smart enough to be wary but that didn't mean I feared him.

I gave a small nod of acknowledgement, my brother doing the same in a curt manner. My eyes strayed to a small figure at the side of Chisaki, white hair and red eyes chaotic with pure fear.

She looked young and I almost frowned at the bandages lining her arms. As a fourteen year old girl with a traumatic life, I'd sympathized with her as inside, I felt exactly the same. I masked my pain but she was far too young to do as such.

So much pain for someone so young.

Chisaki must have noticed my gaze because he spoke, "This is my four year old daughter. She's a little shy." His chuckle was ingenuine and he was lying through his teeth. She wasn't his daughter.

I wanted to talk to her, to see if she was alright but I knew I'd be in a world for hurt if I did as such. I compromised as Chisaki spoke to my brother. "Hey, are you alright?" Her eyes widened at my telepathic message and they then found mine.

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