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Why couldn't I do it?

I always completed my missions. I was taught to finish the job and I always did. So why couldn't my ten year old self kill them?

Why was I so useless and weak?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door slammed open and AllMight boomed inside. "I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" I blinked at the irony.

The all powerful AllMight walked into the classroom and stood at the front. While the class buzzed at the sight of him, my blood boiled at the same sight. "I'll be teaching you hero informatics this year!" He grinned.

"Today we'll be doing battle training but before we get started, a hero needs to look good." He gestured to the wall where 20 hero cases extended out of it.

"Grab your case, get changed and meet me at Ground Beta!" He then left the classroom. I grabbed my case and made my way to the changing rooms.

Much to my dismay, the girls were there too so I had no choice but to change infront of them. I turned towards the wall as they chatted and giggled about who knows what.

I wasn't one for small talk.

It's either get to the point or don't say anything at all. My time was precious. After all, they do say they built Rome in a day.

The notion of them seeing my back made my stomach churn but I pressed forward and took my shirt off. I quickly took my skirt and tights off too but a few seconds later, the girls quietened.

The awkward silence sent bile to my throat but I pushed it back down as I finished changing. After I had finished, I turned to them and they sent wary looks toward me.

I ignored them as I looked at myself in the mirror by the benches. My hero costume was a black tight fitted cat suit with knife holsters galore. It also had a mask and custom knives that were made out of the usual titanium alloy I enjoyed.

 It also had a mask and custom knives that were made out of the usual titanium alloy I enjoyed

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I pulled my mask up and walked out of the changing rooms. A while later, everyone had arrived at Ground Beta and I watched as Midoriya flirted with Uraraka.

Solemate shit is so annoying. Why waste the time? I rolled my eyes and fixed my knife holsters so they were easier to access. "Maindo, right?" Kaminari smiled at me.

I looked up at him with an indifferent face, willing him to go away with my brain alone. It didn't work. "I like your hero suit, it suits you." He complimented.

I didn't answer him. "The quiet type, huh?" He chuckled, rocking back and forth on his feet. I caught his eyes. She's really pretty. He thought as he smiled at me.

I almost chuckled at his naivety. "I'm Denki Kaminari." He offered me his hand for a hand shake. I didn't move a muscle. "Are you mute or..." He trailed off.

"Leave her alone, bro." A red head chuckled as he walked up to us. Eijiro Kirishima is your run of the mill nice guy. He likes including people since he wasn't included much when he was in middle school.

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