seventy five

293 13 5

It's our first day back at school after the winter holidays and Aizawa walks into homeroom with a tired look on his face. Who am I kidding? He's always tired.

"Welcome back, I hope you all enjoyed winter break but it's time to get down to business." I sat in my chair next to Shoto twirling my pen between my fingers as the raven haired man spoke.

Alot had happened this winter break. I had saved a major part of Tokyo from my villain brother and I had fought him too. Not only that, but I had this new found confidence in myself.

Almost as if I had found my purpose. Taking down my abuser had been in the forefront of my mind this entire break and I didn't hate the thought of it.

Hell, I craved it.

"We're going to be doing something similar to the internships that we did at the beginning of the year. Only, this time it's called a work-study and it isn't mandatory." Everyone broke out into hyped chatter.

Aizawa turned on his quirk and they shut up, "As I was saying, the purpose of these work-studies are purely for your self gain. You can either use this opportunity to learn something from a Pro or you can use it to better your morale in the hero world."

"As most of you know, this past break a number of students in this class saved people from an encounter with the League of Villains. Their morale is extremely high, infact, those eight students are in high demand as of now."

"A number of Pro's have put in requests for the eight who were present that day. So you can either take this opportunity or not. In the end, it doesn't affect your grades but I highly suggest you all take whatever opportunity lies in your way."

He then began going around the classroom, handing out pieces of paper as he passed each student. He reached me and gave me mine, it being thicker than the others.

I sat back in my chair as I read over the file, none so far really catching my eye as much. I saw Endeavor and rolled my eyes before moving past him: I didn't want to intern with him again.

"No fucking way!" I yelled as I jumped up in my seat, the class becoming deathly quiet and turning to me. I started to almost hyperventilate over the request, a cheesy smile on my face.

"What happened?" Midoriya asked me from a few desks down. I slammed the file on my table and grinned, "Hawks requested me!" He had been the only hero I would actually follow when I was still a villain.

Admittedly, I'd had the biggest crush on him ever since I saw him in the news a few years ago. Mina bounced up from her seat with a squeal and we started holding hands and jumping up and down.

"He's so hot!" She squealed making me squeal too. I almost fainted from lack of oxygen. "Girls, I understand you're excited, but sit down." Iida ordered making Mina frown and take her seat.

I placed a hand on my head and sat down, a huge smile on my face. "Can I ask why you're so excited?" Midoriya asked from his seat and I then bounced back up making Aizawa groan from his spot on the floor, his sleeping bag cocooning him.

"When I was a villain, he was the only hero I followed and he's just so cool." I attenot to keep my voice even, my heart beating so fast it was crazy I was still alive. "Nice story, now sit your ass down." Katsuki muttered making me stick my tongue out and sit.

"So I take it you have a crush on him?" Denki turned around in his seat to face me. I rolled my eyes as a small blush rose to my cheeks, "Shut up." I muttered before picking my papers back up.

"You hear that, Todoroki? Hawks is going to steal your girl." Denki laughed making me hit him over the head with my stack of papers. "Jiro, tell your soulmate to shut the ever living fuck up." She did as asked.

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