eighty two

220 20 21

Shoto Todoroki POV

It's been far too long since she sent her location drop. We finally reach the forest where she sent it from, a good while away from any form of civilization.

As we near it—gliding through the night sky with our quirks—a ground shaking explosion blows into the air, the night sky orange for a second as a gust of wind threatens to push us back.

"That's her!" Izuku barks as we near the forest and as we approach, I watch as she tears a tree from out of the ground with her telekinesis and throws it at Hawks.

Why is she attacking Hawks? What's going on? My mind races at the possibilities, unsurity coating my being as I feel adrenaline pump through my veins.

"You just won't stay down, will you?" We hear Hawks shout at her and the boys look just as shocked as I at his next words. "That's alright, I'll just have to end you now!"

I watch as he begins to send a hoard of sharp feathers her way, white hot rage striking me as I form a large ice wall infront of her, landing just behind her. A second passes until Izuku booms down and smashes my ice with a big blast.

"Hawks!" My father shouts as he swoops down and throws a punch at the No. 2 hero. Bakugo booms down too and I then notice the presence of Tomura Shigiraki, more rage clinging to my veins.

The blast Bakugo hits him with is definitely personal because it shakes the earth I stand on. He runs into the woods and we follow him, my father staying with Ikari to fight Hawks.

"Get back here, bastard!" Izuku screams as we rush through the woods. I reach him first, grabbing the back of his clothes and hitting him with my ice so hard I know it'll leave a bruise.

I'm not done with him yet, though. He staggers back and hisses, trying to grab me with his hands but I evade him. I grab his shirt and fire lights up half of my body as I punch him in the face with fire, so hot, I'm sure it'll leave a nice scar.

"This is for abusing my girl you fucking bastard!" He shoots back and Izuku rushes forward, using his quirk to punch him up into the air. Bakugo boosts himself into the starry sky and hits him with another ear ringing blast.

"This is for kidnapping me and torturing me with her cries!" Shigiraki is shot back into the trees and Izuku boosts forward and lands the last blow, punching him in the face.

"And this is for AllMight!" The earth shakes and a blinding light exudes from Izuku's hit, Shigiraki knocking through the trees and falling unconscious against the last one.

We all land on the ground but before we can reach him, he's warped away. "Goddammit! We almost had him!" I'm disappointed but at the same time, duely satisfied by the hits we got on him.

He's going to have a nice little burn mark thanks to me.

We walk back out of the forest, no more sounds of Endeavor and Hawks fighting. I'm met with the sight of my father helping Ikari stand, her hand clutching her stomach.

I rush over, my heartbeat erratic as I grab her blood smeared face. I notice how she can't focus her eyes and swear when I look down at her blood stained hands clutching her stomach.

"Get an ambulance." My demands are futile because my father is already on it, shouting at some people down his phone as he lists off our location. "Lay her down, Shoto." Izuku orders and I do just that.

Bakugo curses and rushes to his knees next to her, applying pressure to the main wound on her abdomen. Izuku rips his mask off and they wrap it around her wound.

"Ikari, baby, I need you to keep your eyes open for me, love." Her eyes focus on my face before she slowly blinks. "No, no, no. Eyes open." She's either not listening to me or she can't hear me.

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