fifty five

483 16 6

I sit at the kitchen table eating dinner, Nem infront of me at the salubriously large furniture. My minds a mess at the moment— what I want being a chaotic accumulation of what seems like tangled wires.

Each one overlaps my judgment, messing with what I want and seemingly what is deemed 'right'.

An ex-villain can't be a hero, right?

I play with the potatoes on my plate, mind turning gears. "Are you okay, hun?" I look up at her and nod in a confused manner, "Of course. What makes you think I'm not?"

She gives a bite of her lip, seemingly holding back a laugh, "You've been death glaring a potato for twenty minutes." I laugh a little and relent my attacks at my dinner.

"I'm sorry. I've just been thinking alot." I paused for a second, eyes zeroing in the table and then turning back to her, "Can I ask you something, Nem?" She nods her head immediately and I put my fork down, folding my arms on the table.

"What made you become a hero?" She gave me a brilliant smile as she put her empty plate aside.

"My mother— your grandmother— was a hero and she inspired me to follow in her footsteps. And my father— who was a police man— used to save people in need all the time and I wanted to do that too." She paused for a second and smiled.

"I'll have to take you to see them," she gave a small chuckle, "They've been down my neck to see their granddaughter." I smiled softly, a warm feeling filling my being.

Biting my lip, I spoke, "I'd like that but," I paused a tear coming to my eye, "Don't you think they'd hate me because I was a villain?" She looked alarmed before reaching across the table and grabbing my hands.

"Of course not, hun. My parents already love you and they understand your past. They're happy to have a granddaughter who's so strong and resilient." A small tear fell from my eye at her words.

I gave a weak smile, "Then I can't wait to meet them." She smiled back and paused for a moment before giving my hand a small squeeze and talking.

"I feel you'd be an amazing hero, hun. You've already got such a good heart, I mean you offered your life for Todoroki and you saved Bakugo. If that's not hero behavior then I don't know what is."

In a way, she was right but at the same time, I'm the one who caused Katsuki to be in danger. I put everyone else in danger too. I have to think it over more.

I still have the rest of the week.


It's Friday night and I'm at the student dorms. The Bakusquad and a few members of the Dekusquad are sitting in the common room with me, my mind racing.

I look up and lock eyes with Katsuki as he watches Midoriya pace from behind me. His eyes are locked on him, a flat look on his face— he's definitely deep in thought. The greenette has been a nervous wreck recently. For what, I have no compunction to find out.

My mind is too chaotic right now.

"Kats, can I ask you a question?" Eveyone goes quiet at my serious question as they all turn to me. The blonde nods and I speak, "Why did you want to become a hero?"

He smirked in response, "To be the best! I want to beat Deku." He shrugged and the greenette gave me an exhausted look that made me giggle. "You've already beat-" He cut Midoriya off.

"Shut up!" I gave Shoto a look and he bit his lip to hold back his laughter. I really didnt get them sometimes. Blind idiots. "Mina, how about you?" Her face lit up as she bounced in her seat next to Kirishima.

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