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I don't think I've ever been this excited for a mission. Hawks and I are meant to be raiding a villain hideout in a secured location on the outskirts of Tokyo and I've been anticipating it all week.

It's evening time as I walk around Tokyo, making my way over to where we're to meet. I take my time as I'm early, greeting fans and grabbing a chocolate bar as I walk along the street. Shoto is at his work-study with the boys so I don't attempt texting him.

Soon enough, I come to the meeting place; it's the start of the forest that surrounds the warehouse in which these villains are using as their hideout.

The trees are barren of any leaves due to the drastic change in weather recently. I decide to warm up as I wait for Hawks to arrive.

A few minutes of me moving about passes before Hawks swoops down and lands beside me making me jump.

"Goddammit!" I jump and then turn to the beaming hero, "You scared me, Keigo." He laughs at my misfortune and the sound is music to my ears causing me to smile.

"Sorry, I had to stop by a chicken shop." We begin walking into the woods and I give him a side eye of judgement at his words. "Isn't that technically cannibalism?" He frowns at my jab.

"Ouch. There goes my ego, Ikari." I roll my eyes at his dramatics, this being how it usually is between us. "Good, someone needs to knock you down a peg." He laughs as we approach the wired fence.

"So what's the plan?" I turn to him, waiting for instructions from my superior. He looks at the building for a second before looking back at me, his face serious.

He tells me we need to sneak in and find the head of the whole ordeal. That way, once the ring leader is down, the geese have no one to take orders from.

I teleport into the compound and look around the dilapidated looking front of the place. It's eerie and my skin crawls at the deathly quiet. Hawks lands next to me and gives a nod, signaling us to move in on the task at hand.

I slip past the doors of the warehouse and into the run down front room, no one in sight. Walking down the hall, I turn a few corners to navigate my way to the center of the building.

Hawks told me the center is where we need to be so I try my best to work my way through the building. I quickly realize how lost I am, the halls a maze of the same thing repeated over and over again.

I start to frustrate as I continue my search for any sort of room--- anything different from rundown and rusting walls. I stop in my tracks when I don't hear Hawks' footsteps any longer.

It's dead quiet as I stand still, my eyes darting around for Hawks as I spin multiple times. I start to worry he's been captured or he too is lost, "Keigo." I mutter when I can't find him.

I work my lip, "Hawks." Still no response to my calls. I walk a little more and then call out again, "Keigo! Dude!" I whisper yell. I decide to walk further as I quickly realize he may be way ahead of me by now.

He's a pro hero, afterall.

I walk for what seems like hours until I come to an open room, I quickly realize it must be the center. Relief washes over me as I walk into the big room. Finally, a room where I'm not led to insanity.

I look around the empty room, no one present. Where are the villains? Come to think of it, I haven't seen a single guard or villain either. Usually, in villain bases, they have people who stay on the lookout and if not, they have a security system.

If they did have a security system, they'd be after me by now. I attempt to call out for Hawks again, "Keigo! Where are you?" Still, I'm left with nothing but the slight echo on my voice.

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