seventy four

285 15 4

The air is crisp and chilly as we step out of the car, my boots crunching under the snow of our driveway. Shoto has his hand in mine which warms me indefinitely from the chilly night.

It didn't take long for us to be in the warmth of our house, Eri running off into the kitchen after Aizawa helped the boots off her small feet.

"Eri, don't run across the marble floors with socks on!" Were my homeroom teacher's words as he sighed, reluctantly trailing after her.

My mother walked into the kitchen too but with the chill I felt, I yearned to light the furnace in the living room. Shoto trailed after me as I bent down by the mantle, searching for the matches.

My soulmate shot fire at me amidst my search and I gasped for half a second before remembering his fire can't harm me. "Scared me shitless, asshole." I got off my knees, warming my hands in the harmless fire.

"You should've seen your face." I rolled my eyes at his amusement and then mocked him, making a high pitched annunciation of the syllables.

"Fuck off, Sho." Scoffing at his mirth, I walked to the entryway and discarded my jacket on the coat racket. As I reached, the doorbell rung--- the shrill sound like lighting through the echo of the hollow entryway.

A purple haired boy pushed past me as I opened the door and I scoffed, "Why hello to you too, fucker." Shinso threw his jacket on the coat racket and made his way into the sitting room, flipping me off behind his back.

"Fucking asshat," I grumble before raising my voice, "Shinso's here!" My announcement is for Aizawa and my mom so they know who was at the door.

I make my merry way into the sitting room to see Shinso dap my soulmate up quickly before he sits by the fire. "You didn't even greet me asshole, get the fuck out of my house."

"Kiss my ass." Was the reply I got from eye-bags. I twisted my face up into a disgusted scrunch, "Ew, no thank you." A middle finger pointed at me in silent half hearted vexation.

"You fight like siblings." Shoto graciously spoke up as I sat down next to him. I pulled my phone out, "He started it, the grumpy asshole."

Shinso rolled his tired purple eyes, "You just look extra ugly today." I sputtered at his words, leaning forward on the couch, "Bitch, have you taken your meds today? I'm beautiful, the fuck?"

"Who lied to your ugly ass?"

"Your mom, bitch."

"I don't have a mom." A truth.

"Ha, motherless." I taunted him, sticking my tongue out at the shitstain. "Ha, fatherless." His counter didn't exactly hurt my feelings but it just reminded me of my blood father.

His cruelty.

The purple haired loser spoke, "Too far?" Pursing his lips, he added, "You can have mine if it counts." I let my lips quirk at that, he's sweet sometimes.

"You can have my mom."

"Parent exchange?" I nodded in response and he leaned back against the couch. Shoto then spoke up, "You guys are weird."

"Shut up, peppermint." Laughter bubbled from my stomach at Shinso's words, clasping a hand to my mouth. My soulmate narrowed his eyes at him and whatever he was about to say was cut off by the doorbell.

My mother shouted out that she's got it and a few fleeting seconds later, my blonde cousin walks in with his parents. "Ah, Ikari!" My uncle Sasaki was excited to see me and I bounded off the couch towards him.

He wrapped his arms around me, "Merry Chistmas, Iku." A kiss to the head from him and then I'm hugging my aunt Shishida. "Merry Christmas." I murmur to them. The smile leeks off my my face as I look to my cousin.

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