forty three

475 19 13

An hour after I dropped my location, the door to the room I was in opened and Tomura walked in. He gazed at my live form and scowled, "I really hoped you'd be dead." Disappointment lined his voice.

He sighed and squatted infront of me, "Are you still being defiant or have you learnt your lesson?" He asked as he tenderly moved my hair out of my face, I wanted to vomit at his soft touch. I forced my vocal chords to work and feigned regret.

"I regret going against your orders, brother. You were right, I had let my guard down and I became weak." My voice was fragile and it took everything out of me to say that.

He smiled and I wanted to hurl when he caressed my face in a caring fashion. "Smart girl. The heroes polluted you, didn't they?" He asked as he gazed at his reflection in the pool of blood below me.

"They did." He then stood up and spoke as he walked out of the room, "I'll have Dabi patch you up. Change clothes, eat some food and meet me in the bar, we have unfinished business to attend to."

A few minutes later, Dabi walked in with a first aid kit and when he saw me lying in a pool of my own blood, my face discolored and body filled with stab wounds, he froze.

I saw fear and guilt line his face, he looked ready to cry as he gazed at me. He took a few tentative steps towards me before kneeling down and slowly putting his hand on my forehead.

"Fucking hell." He muttered, a tear hitting the patched skin below his right eye but he wiped it away like it was never there in the first place.

He picked me up with a soft grip and placed me against the wall, my head lolling to the side as I watched him slowly patch me up.

He didn't say anything for a while and when he finally spoke, his voice broke. "How could he do this to his sister?" I watched as his eyes welled with a few drops of tears.

"I'm not his sister, Dabi. I'm a punching bag, a mere victim of his cruelty." My voice was scratchy and he then met my eyes and a tear rolled down his face.

I reminded him of himself when he was my age.

He continued to stitch me up, "Why did you do it?" He whispered as he placed a soft hand on my back, stitching my back up. I'm assuming he was referring to my betrayal.

"Because I care for him." The L word was on the tip of my tongue but if I was going to say it, it wouldn't be to Dabi. "Bakugo?" He asked and I muttered a 'no' in response.

"Your brother." He paused for a second before continuing to stitch me up. It was quiet for what felt like forever before he finished and put the needle and thread away with the antiseptic alcohol.

He observed me for a second, "I know you haven't really reformed after a mere twenty four hours of torture." I felt my blood thin as I leaned against the wall.

"But I'm going to be honest with you," he paused, "I fucking hate your brother and I hold absolutely no loyalty to him. I work for him because I have my own alterior motives not because I'm loyal or any of that bullshit." This surprised me but I kept a neutral face.

"I'm not going to rat you out, Maindo. Hell, I fucking hope you escape this living hell you've been leading since childhood." He fixed my hair, caressing my cheek as he stood up with the first aid kit.

"Just don't fuck up." That was his way of saying stay safe. I gave him a nod before he disappeared out of the room.

I sat there for a while, my mind blank before I gathered all of my strength and stood up, my body aching as I trudged down the hallway.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a few protein bars, forcing them down myself and drinking lots of water. I ate as much as I could, knowing I'd need the energy.

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