eighty five

225 14 13

"Because he's my soulmate!"

He's his what!? I blink and my grip on his vest weakens significantly until I drop him on his ass, shock morphing my facial features. I try to process his words.

"You're soulmates...?" I hum in confusion as I try to picture Hawks and him together. Yeah, I can totally see it. He nods weakly and I worry my lip before trying to urge him again.

"And you'd be fine with Japan's blood on your hands? Because you do realize that's what they want, right? They want total destruction, they want murder and they want death."

He's quiet and I shake my head with a scoff, "If you really have to think about this then you really are nothing like me." I give him a disgusted look as I crack my knuckles a bit in my usual minor anxiety manner.

"I suggest you go on your merry way before I reveal who you truly are. The only reason I kept your identity under wraps was because I owed it to you for saving my life that night."

The night of Kamino Ward he patched me up and gave me a chance to escape. Without him, I'd probably still be under Tomura's thumb until today. I give him a once over.

"Run. Run before I change my mind, Touya." So he does. He fades through the shadows of the alley and I frown down at the floor for a second. If I let him go, maybe I'm not as good as I thought.

No, you saw yourself in him. For the last time, shut the fuck up inner me.


The gut wrenching sounds of ambulances bleed through the dark night as I make my way towards where I last left Endeavor to fight Hawks. As I approach, I see Endeavor seated on a curb as Hawks lays in the ruin.

He looks tired but he's conscious and I find myself walking over to him. I ask him if he's alright. "Nothing a Pro can't handle, Maindo." I frown a little as the paramedics and police arrive.

They perform the formalities and I watch as they take Hawks away on a stretcher with chains strapped over his body and a straight jacket clinging to him. I walk over to the S.W.A.T van and the police give me a curious look. "What's the matter, Nozomi?"

"I need to ride with you. I have a feeling there'll be a breakout." What I mean to say is, Dabi is still out there and knowing him, he'll probably try and break him free. Especially since he's his soulmate.

That is, if he's anything like his brother.

"I've got it, go home Maindo. You need to rest." Endeavor tells me and I give him a once over before nodding in resignation. I'm tired as shit and I miss my mom and prince.

"Call me if anything happens."


The door to my house closes shut as I take my shoes off. It's past 2 a.m by now and I haven't been able to contact my mom, my phone smashing in my struggle with Dabi.

The living room light is on and as I walk in, I see my mom crying into Aizawa's shoulder. My stomach twists at her worry, it hurts that she's in pain because of me.

"Mom?" I utter causing them both to look up at me, relief washing over their faces in waves. My mom scrambles out of Aizawa's lap and rushes over to me.

"My baby!" She grabs at me and hugs the living day lights out of my poor figure. Prince claws at my leg with a whimper and I feel my eyes moisten.

"Where were you? You scared us shitless, hun." I hug her back, my face buried in her shoulder. I pull away a bit and looking at her worried face makes me break down.

She frowns, "Aw, baby." She doesn't try to hug me again as I bend over and sob a little, my hands on my knees. I let out all my frustration and anger over the situation I'm in.

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