fifty seven

453 19 12

I stood up, my tears long gone as I walked with purpose, a burning need that consumed me. "Back already?" The little ring leader scoffed before turning to another kid.

"You good, Strange?" Katsuki whispered in my ear as he held his gauntlets close to him. I nodded my head in a strong motion, Inasa's voice catching my ears.

"I'm going to be honest with you both." He was speaking to Shoto and I, his cold eyes gazing down at us. "I don't like either of you." My face was blank, not really giving a shit.

He turned to Shoto, "You look just like him. I can see it in your eyes, they're just like his. Cold and cruel." I furrowed my brows and spoke in an emotionless voice.

"Who are you referring to?" His eyes flicked to mine as he broke eye contact with the half and half. "Endeavor." That's when my face twisted into anger, indignation burning my gut.

He turned to Shoto and glared at him, Shoto's face blank. I could sense how much that effected my kind soulmate. And it hurt so fucking much to see him upset.

White hot anger washed me raw. My eyes felt hot and my legs felt weak but infinitely strong at the same time as I watched my soulmate look almost devoid of emotion, sadness lingering in his beautiful eyes.

I felt my blood pulse through my veins—heard it too. Power burnt my being in a way I'd never experienced. I thrusted my hand out and grabbed Inasa with my telekinesis, shocking him for a second.

Bringing him to his knees, my eyes burned in anger and I saw him flinch as he stared at me, fear hitting his eyes. "Say that again. I fucking dare you, Inasa Yoarashi." I felt everyone still, the children doing the same.

"Shoto is nothing like his father and if I hear you compare them to eachother again, I will rip your heart right from your chest. He isn't cold or cruel, you are and I'm willing to be if you don't back the fuck off with your unbidden judgement."

I felt someone's hand touch my shoulder and I then slumped to the floor, the energy coursing through my veins letting out. "What was that!?" The blonde girl screamed.

I scrambled to my feet, feeling like a deer in headlights as I looked at the fearful Inasa on the floor. "Your eyes." He muttered scrambling to his feet too. What about my eyes? They were confusing me.

"See. I told you she was more like a villain than a hero." The kid scoffed and I bit my lip to hold back tears, indignation still burning my veins. Who the hell does this kid think he is?

I lost my cool.

"You know nothing about me, kid!" He scoffed but I didn't stop there, tears stinging my eyes. "Do you know what it was like for me!? Do you know how scared I felt while I was living with my terrible father!?" He stared at me as I spoke.

"Do you know what it's like to be stabbed everytime you breathed the wrong way!?" I felt the entire gymnasium suck in a breath, tears streaming down my cheeks as the same energy built up in my veins.

"Do you know what it's like to want a family so bad you killed people for it just to be used as a pawn!?" His eyebrows pinched a little, a frown gracing his lips.

"You don't! Because you were born to a loving family who'd give the world for you!" Tears streaked my cheeks. "But me? My father would give me for the world." He frowned, a small tear rolling down his face.

"I'm not here to give you a sob story, okay?" I paused, wiping my cheeks, "But I am not a villain. I'm nothing like my father and neither is Shoto." I gave Inasa a look before walking towards the kid.

"I want to be a hero to give people who— just like me— need a light to save them while they're shrouded in darkness." I stood infront of the kid and he wiped his tears quickly, acting tough.

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