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I sat in the waiting room as I waited for the arena to be fixed from my fight against Bakugo.

My mind went over strategies, evaluating the hetrochromatic boy's weaknesses and figuring out methods in which I could use them against him.

Even though it was part of my quirk, I had not been permitted to bringing any knives to the festival so I had to strategize around it. I kept my eyes on the clock sitting infront of the table I sat at.

It liked to make a ticking sound that filled the otherwise deafening silence. The outcome of the final was inconsequential.

I had already proved my skills to my father, winning wasn't necessary. My brother's threats flashed into my mind but I shoved them away.

I didn't care if winning didn't matter. I wanted to prove I was the strongest, whether that be narrow minded and insular, I didn't trouble myself over it. It was normal to want power—to be the best.

Five minutes later I was called to the arena. High tech cameras followed me as I walked into the arena. I looked opposite me and Todoroki walked up the steps with a blank face.

I wasn't surprised, I wore the same expression. "Let's get the finale started!" Present Mic boomed into the Mic making Aizawa narrow his eyes at him in annoyance.

"She's got all the way to the finals, surpassing the entire first year student body, it's Ikari Maindo!" He beamed towards the audience and those watching at home.

"Versus, he's proved himself with his show stopping quirk," a beat, "It's Shoto Todoroki!" He shouted into the Mic, the crowd roaring in response.

I kept eye contact with Todoroki, an unspoken war crackling through the thick tension separating us. Yet I still couldn't read his mind. It unnerved me.

When the alarm for the start of our match went off, he didn't waste any time in shooting his ice toward me.

I jumped out of the way, the ice shard missing me by and inch. I hated that I couldn't read him, it was unnatural and weird not hearing everyone's thoughts.

Using my telekinesis, I knocked the shard down and it shattered onto the floor. I already had a plan.

His eyes flashed in panic as he saw me gathering up the ice into a ball. In a fleeting movement, he activated his left side. The fire melted the ice ball I was forming and I scowled.

I had no choice but to try and zero in on him. I dodged his ice attacks as I ran, sliding through the arena like a pro as I advanced.

He tried to freeze my legs but everytime he caught my legs, I shattered the ice with rock swords I formulated from the ground. Less than six feet separating us, he panicked again. Golden-red flames shot out of him and towards me.

My eyes widened and I hesitated as the flames neared me. I didnt move out of the way in time and the flames licked at my skin as I closed my eyes, bracing myself.

Only, the pain I had been expecting didn't come. His flames had no effect on me. As his inferno ceased, I stood there in shock. I felt no pain whatsoever and it wasn't because I had become desensitized to pain.

Even though I had suffered many injuries in my life, I still felt some form of pain. My clothes were burnt to a crisp, the only things keeping me decent my underwear and bra.

Wolf whistles sounded throughout the stadium and I scrambled to cover myself with the dirt around me, using my telekinesis to make it cover my body like armor. Todoroki blushed Crimson as he averted his eyes towards his hands.

My stomach churned in fear of people seeing my scars. Hopefully, I acted fast enough for no one to notice the scars that littered every inch of my body.

ℂ𝕣𝕦𝕖𝕝𝕥𝕪 | 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕠 𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚Where stories live. Discover now