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More sad music Aka; As The World Caves In by Sarah Cothran because it sets the vibe. Also, it gets way worse after this chapter lol.


Shoto Todoroki POV

We walked towards the camp house, down the trail we had been walking on before all of this happened. I didn't expect a villain attack and how frantic Ikari is right now is scaring me.

It scares me because I've never seen her like this. Normally, during a villain attack or any attack in general, she's level headed and ready to take down the threat.

But right now she's terrified and that-that scares me. We caught a glimpse of a blonde haired villain pinning Uraraka to the ground and when she noticed us, she got off her.

"Oops. It seems like I'm out numbered." She skipped towards the trees, "I'll go and look for Maindo baby, I need to kill her." My brows shot up, how did she know Ikari?

Also, Ikari is with us.

"But she's right-" Midoriya turned around at the same time as I did and my stomach dropped. She was gone and so was Bakugo. My panic was immediate, paining me like strike to the heart.

"She's gone and so is Tokoyami!" Midoriya shouted and then panicked when he noticed Bakugo was gone too. "Where's Kachan?!" His panic seeped through his tone like a sponge.

"Sorry for the intrusion," a voice spoke from up in the trees making us look up. He had a mask on and looked like a magician, "You see, I needed to take the two children."

He then paused and spoke again, "The third was a improvisation on my side. You see, before I became a villain, I was a showman so I do carry that trait into my villainy."

I had enough of his talking, needing Ikari back as soon as possible, "Shut up! No one gives a shit about what you were!" He jumped out of the way of the iceberg I shot at him and straightened out his bow tie.

I wanted to rip him to shreds-tear him limb from limb for taking her away from me. There was no shot in that, though. If I wanted her back, I needed to keep a level head.

It's what she would have done.

"Where's my Kachan!?" Midoriya screamed at the villain as he toyed with three marbles, "Your Kachan? I think Bakugo is his own person, no? We find great interest in him."

He then paused, touching his ear piece, "I've secured the targets." And he then stepped back on the branch he stood on, giving a bow, "It was nice speaking to you but alas, I must depart."

I shot another iceberg at him but he bounced away, down the opposite end of the trail. "We have to follow him!" Midoriya shouted but I was already running after him.

He can't take Ikari. When we first met, I was apprehensive of her but now? Now I couldn't be any more infatuated with her. I'm not sure if I'm in love as I've never felt such a thing so I don't know what that feels like.

But I do know she means the world to me.

Midoriya formulated a plan and by some miracle of a combination of our quirks, we shot into the sky like bullets, falling straight infront of the villains.

"Compress, move." A voice said, shooting blue fire at us-causing us to jump out of the way. The magician fought with Shoji while Midoriya fought the blonde girl.

"Well if it isn't Shoto Todoroki." A guy with patches of sewn skin spoke, his eyes familiar in an intirely new way. I threw my ice at him but he instantly melted it with his fire.

Fire it is then.

It was a battle of fire on fire, no clear winner seeming to come out of it. "I got them guys! Let's go!" Shoji shouted, holding the three marbles that he had stolen from the magician's pocket. We retreated, a feeling of hope flooding through me.

We had saved them and I wouldn't lose her.

I heard the villain I was fighting try and come after us only to be stopped by the magician. The marbles in Shoji's hands opened up and instead of our three friends falling to the floor, three blocks of my ice fell instead.

We stopped in our tracks and looked back to be met with the villains stepping into a portal.

"You shouldn't believe everything you see. For if I'm showing something in my hands," the magician took his mask off slightly and stuck his tongue out, "There is always something I don't want you to see."

Sitting atop his tongue were three crystal marbles, indignation burning my gut as I turned on my heels. He had them-we were fucking tricked.

He has my fucking girl.

We began running, fear rising up in my chest as they began stepping through the portal. "Alas, the show is over. Villains trump Heroes as alwa-" he was cut off by a beam of light hitting him in the face.

Hidden in the bushes, Aoyama had used his Naval Lazer to knock the marbles out of his mouth. I ran for the two marbles that had fallen together while Shoji grabbed the one by itself.

I reached out and just as my fingers grazed them, the patched villain took them right out of my grasp. "Too bad, Shoto Todoroki." His voice was teasing as was his smirk, his blue eyes boring into mine.

He stepped into the portal and I ran after them, the magician snapping his fingers and the marbles opening up-Tokoyami sitting on the floor next to Shoji.

I watched as the patched villain held Bakugo and Ikari by the backs of their necks-the portal enclosing around them. "Kachan!" I heard Midoriya scream as he ran with me to catch up to them.

"Stay back!" I heard Bakugo grit out, fear flashing through his red eyes. My eyes landed on Ikari and tears lined her crystal blue eyes. "Ikari!" My voice cracked as I reached out and barely grazed her perfect hand.

"Thank you for everything Shoto. I'm so sorry."

Her voice was greatful and her eyes were watery as the portal enclosed them. I fell to my knees, the portal no where to be seen, the only thing surrounding us- the trees and the cold night.

"KACHAN!" Midoriya's scream sounded through the night like a murder had just occurred. It might as well have at how shattered my heart was. I felt tears stream down my cheeks as I clutched my head, my feelings overwhelming me.

I hadn't saved them and I lost her.

I screamed, my voice hauntingly echoing through the trees as I called out her name. I'd never felt this sort of pain in all my years of living. She had warned us this would happen but we didn't listen.

I didn't listen to her when she needed me the most. I was a terrible soulmate.

Her scared eyes haunted me as Aizawa turned up at the scene. "Are they-" he cut himself off as he saw Midoriya and I sobbing on the floor. He coaxed us off the cold ground and urged us to regroup at the camp house.

I'd never felt so terrible in my entire life.

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