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"I'm gonna fail babes!" Mina cried to me as she sat on top of my desk. I sighed in response. She had failed her practical as she underestimated principal Nezu with her soulmate, Aka; Kirishima.

I still haven't asked her about their story but I guess the right time will come at some point. "Bring me back some s'mores from camp!" She weeped making me rub her back in an attempt at comfort.

"There's still a chance that you'll pass..." Midoriya trailed off as he spoke to a weeping Kaminari. Kaminari shot his finger out and poked the greenette in the eye making him scream in pain.

"Don't jinx it!" The electric quirk user scolded Midoriya. Bakugo shot an explosion at Kaminari and he screamed in shock as he retracted his arm from Midoriya's eye.

"Keep your thoughts to yourself, Dunce face! You're annoying the shit out of me!" Bakugo shouted but in reality, he just didn't want Kaminari hurting Midoriya.

"Well, I'm sure we'll all have fun at camp! Right, Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu said with a blinding smile. My indifferent face turned into a scowl as I watched her place her hand on Shoto's arm.

"Easy for you to say! You stood first!" Sero weeped in tandem with Kaminari. I decided to speak up, "Actually second," the class turned to me. "I stood first." Kaminari began weeping more at my omission.

"By two points." Yaoyorozu said with a petty smile. I shrugged, feeling petty too, "Imagine losing by two points," I scoffed as I checked my nails, "couldn't be me." Bakugo snorted as his smirk grew.

She glared at me, "You came second in the practical." She pointed out so very generously. I gave her a self indulgent smirk, "I still beat you." She gritt her teeth as her hand on Shoto shook a little.

"What's your problem!?" She screamed, shocking everyone. My face remained indifferent as my eyes shot from her hand to her face. "Elaborate." My voice was even.

"You're such a bitch!" My lip tugged up in a dark smirk, everyone watching with curiosity. "If you're gonna call me a bitch, atleast put the infront of it but you're right, I am." The Bakusquad barked out a loud laugh and Kaminari shouted a 'roasted'.

"Is it jealousy?" She asked with a snarky attitude. I raised an incredulous brow, "Jealous of you?" I gave a dark chuckle, "You're the one getting pressed over my success."

She glared at me further and my eyes flicked to an amused Shoto. He watched me with amused eyes and Yaoyorozu retracted her hand as the classroom door opened.

The class silenced as Aizawa walked into the class, his expression indifferent. "Everyone passed the written exams." The class let out a loud cheer and he glared, silencing them.

"But I can't say the same about the practical." A few turned glum at his words. "Ashido, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sato and Sero all failed the practical portion of the exams." Kaminari flopped on his desk.

When he spoke next, everyone cheered. "Everyone is going to camp." He broke the cheers off by holding his right hand up, "But those who failed the finals will be taking intermediary classes during the trip."

A few groaned but he finished it off by wishing us the best for our week break before the trip and then walked out the class. "We should go shopping as a class for the trip!" Mina suggested to everyone.

Everyone gave sounds of agreement and she turned to me, "You're definitely coming!" She grinned, hooking her arm around my shoulder. I raised a brow at her, "Says who?"

She brushed me off, "Bakugo too!" He told her to fuck off as he stormed out of the class. "Ask your bae if he's coming." Mina spoke in her head making me flick her forehead with an angry pout.

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