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It's the day of the verdict, which leaves me a nervous mess. The guards walk me down the halls of the courts and into the big court room— the turn out being crazy.

So many more people are here today which makes me nervous. They place me on the stand and I thank a guard when he helps me drink a glass of water.

There are way more cameras here too which leaves me feeling self conscious but I brush past it as the judge speaks.

"Welcome back, Ms. Maindo. How are you feeling today?" He asks as he flashes me a kind smile.

I bite my lip and shrug, "I'm okay. I was just given a granola bar for the first time in two months, so whoever is in charge of my food, I'd like to propose." The audience breaks into laughter and for the first time in months, my lip quirks a little.

The judge fiddles with some of his paperwork, "Today we'll be letting you know what the hero commission and high court have decided as the verdict." I gave a single nod before he begins to talk.

"We took blood tests from both you and Ms. Kayama and the test results were," He paused leaving me on the edge of my toes. "One hundred percent positive." The jury breaks out into loud clapping and a few cheers.

I lock eyes with Nemuri and give her a small smile from where she sat in the stands. A tear rolled down her cheek as she returned it, making my heart feel warm.

"We then looked into your memories and the accuracy of your recollection of the events that happened were," he paused for dramatic effect.

"One hundred percent truthful." The audience clapped again as I kept an impassive face, a few tears rolling down my cheeks.

He then looked at another piece of his paperwork, "The hero commission have denied your request to be given the death sentence." My heart dropped but everyone clapped and cheered.

I watched as Nemuri broke down in greatfulness, tears coating her cheeks. Why didn't they accept it? I thought they would seeing as I'm a convict.

Shoto is going to live a life of misery.

I broke down in a sob as the judge spoke, "The hero commission and high court have discussed your fate and heard the people's voice and you Ikari Maindo," he paused giving me a small smile.

"Are a free woman." I break down into a sob right on the stand as the court room goes crazy, I can hear screams of happiness from outside the building too.

While they rejoice, I mourn the grave mistake they made. What for the justice for the families of the people I killed? The crimes I've committed? They just let me off the hook?

"You're kidding." I sob as the judge shakes his head, my sorrow too much to handle. "But I'm a terrible person-" He cuts my sob off with a soft voice.

"You were manipulated by your father, Ms. Maindo. You deserve a childhood and you deserve to feel the love you've seeked your entire life." I shake my head to disagree, feeling like a piece of shit.

This is all wrong. They're all wrong.

"This doesn't mean to say you're off the hook, though. You'll be put on probabation for a year, the hero commission watching you closely." He didn't finish there and I couldn't help but weep.

"U.A high has also accepted your return, designing a class made specifically for ex-villains. You'll still be in the hero course if you so wish to be a hero but taking these behavioral classes are mandatory."

Sobs shake my body as tears fall onto the stand, the mahogany wood turning glass with the reflection of my wan face. "Your mother, Ms. Kayama, will be taking full custody of you." Nemuri weeped much like I was, though we were both feeling polar opposite emotions.

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