thirty six

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I waited in line for the bus with my classmates, Mina and Kaminari being extra jovial today as they were excited for the trip.

My friends have tried to talk about the pool day but I gave them an angry glare and told them not to mention it. "Babes, aren't you excited!?" Mina squealed as she bounced on her feet infront of me.

I gave her a small smile, "Of course I am." I lied.

I was not excited and I didn't want to go because if we didn't go, I didn't have to betray them. And if I didn't betray them, I could still be happy.

"If it isn't the 1-A losers!" An annoying voice broke my train of thought. My class turned to the other class a few feet away from us and I looked to the owner of the voice to find Neito Monoma near their bus.

"I heard five people failed the practical exam from your class but guess how many failed from B class?" It was a rhetorical question and the blonde was really starting to piss me off now.

"Zero!" He laughed maniacally and then paused to continue his tangent. "I guess Class A really isn't all that!" I hated him already so I decided put him in his place.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Do you guys hear that!?" I feigned a high pitch girly voice earning a few weird looks from my classmates. "It sounds like no one gives a fuck." I dropped my voice into my usual sultry tone.

A few of my classmates laughed, namely; the Bakusquad. "So you can take your superiority complex somewhere someone gives a shit because as heroes in training, we have bigger shit to deal with."

More of my classmates laughed and he turned bright red, "You can't talk to me like that while looking like a whore!" He shouted making Katsuki set off an explosion, ready to kill him. Shoto also stepped forward with an icy Aura.

I stopped them with my telekinesis before speaking, "Big words for someone with such a tiny dick." The entire class burst into an onslaught of laughter while Iida shouted at me.

"How dare you- you- you bitch!" He stuttered trying to find a good comeback but falling short. "Ouch." I pouted before smirking, "Your fragile masculinity is showing." I winked.

"And thanks for calling me a bitch, Monoma, but atleast I'm not your bitch. I'm reserved for someone special." The class were dying of laughter and so were his classmates.

"I like this chick!" Tetsutetsu from Class B said with a smirk. "Would you like to go out sometime?" He asked making Monoma fume from the door of their bus.

"No can do bud, she's my wife." Kaminari sighed as he put his arm over my shoulder making me laugh a little. "He's right. We're legally married but I've cheated on him with Mina far too many times."

The blonde gasped and retracted his arm from me, "B-But I love you." He cried—being dramatic—so I played along. "It was a ruse. I was using you for your money."

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "What money? He's broke as fuck." I barked out laughter at his joke and Kaminari acted wounded as he ran to Jiro and cried into her shoulder.

"That's right! Fuck you bitch, she's mine!" Mina shouted after Kaminari as she intertwined our arms. Kirishima pouted, "You're stealing my soulmate, Maindo." I flipped him off with a smirk.

"How about me? Am I more your type?" Yosetsu Awase said with a smirk. Mina eyed him in a defensive manner and I almost laughed when she dipped her act and ran into Kirishima's arms.

I offered Awase a wink, "Only on Fridays." The girls from both classes let out an onslaught of laughter at my joke and I then felt ice form on the ground below me.

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