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I walked into class that afternoon and everyone stared at me. They then all burst into 'Are you ok's' and 'You scared me's'. I regarded them—shocked at their concern and told them I was fine before taking my seat.

The day passed by quickly and I couldn't be more thankful for the final bell to ring. I stepped out of school, the sun setting in the distance as I walked down the road.

I had 105 messages and 20 missed calls from Tomura. The the thought of going back home to him made me shake. I didn't fear much carnal things.

Infact, I can't remember the last time I felt fear to anything one would consider 'natural'.

Tomura was an exception though. He haunted my everyday life. Even when he wasn't there, I was scared– terrified even.

Fear is what drives me to get things done so in a twisted way, it's become my friend.

I read his threatening messages while walking down the road as a form of preparation for what hell I was to undoubtedly endure.

Stab wounds and bruises didn't so much as make me flinch anymore. I had become so desensitized to the inexplicable pain, I have little to no reaction to them.

But the mental damage it has done to me is forever irreversible.

He has to stop harming me before Aizawa puts me in the foster system. It's either that or he blows my cover entirely. I slipped my phone into my bag and continued walking down the road.

Flashes of what Tomura has done to me in the past flashed through my mind and I stopped on the sidewalk. My stomach felt queasy as I stood still. He was going to kill me today. I felt it in the air.

I keeled over and emptied my stomach on the side of the side walk, the only thing coming out—water—as I hadn't eaten in over three days. I was going to die and I knew it. My father would never help me because he didn't care.

He does care. If I try harder he'll care even more. I told myself as my stomach wouldn't stop rejecting the water I had drank.

I felt a hand rub my back and hold my ponytail back—I panicked. "Shh. It's fine, you're fine." I heard the deep voice of Todoroki say.

I relaxed a slight bit as I began to dry heave on the side walk. He rubbed slow circles onto my back and told me it was okay.

It made me relax significantly. When I was done dry heaving, Todoroki handed me a napkin and I wiped my mouth of the water.

I then threw the napkin away in a nearby trashcan and drank my entire water bottle. I stared at the floor in anger of myself and to hide my unshed tears.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I whispered in embarrassment as I forced my unshed tears back into my eyes. I don't apologize to anyone but I felt compelled to do so as of now. He shook his head, "Not at all." He waved me off and paused for a moment.

He searched my eyes, "Are you okay?" He asked genuinely, his eyes showing the most emotion I had ever seen him emanate, making my breath hitch.

No one had ever asked me that and frankly, I didn't know the answer.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel a slight bit queasy." I put on my usual emotionless voice. After all, it was far easier pretending not to have emotions than dealing with them.

Then again, maybe I was fooling myself and I didn't have any emotion. He bit the inside of his lip, "How is your stomach?" He was referring to the wound.

"Recovery girl fixed me up." I assured him as we walked down the road. I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to face the consequences from my day of unconsciousness. Not now and not ever.

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