fifty one

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Shoro Todoroki POV

~a week ago~

I rush into my house like my life depends on it, the sun already set. My eyes are red from crying as a few hours ago, my soulmate offered her life for my supposed happiness.

Ripping through the house, I slam the dining room door open and scan the room for my father—catching him eating some food. Fuyumi sits with him, their conversation looking strained.

Their heads snap to the door, eyes widening when they see me. "Shoto!" Fuyumi almost flies across the room to hug me but I barely return it before lightly pushing her away.

"Stop it now." I order the fire hero who has abandoned his food. "Where have you been!?" He asks in anger which I promptly ignore, needing answers first.

"Stop this now, father!" He had raised his voice first. Looking agitated, he stands, "It's been a month!" We're not on the same page, I see.

I take several steps toward him, "I needed to get away. Now stop this bullshit from happening or I will myself." He eyes me for a second before sitting back down.

"I didn't expect her to do that." He muttered  closing his eyes as he drank his tea. I was infuriated he'd sit to eat at a time like this. "Then. fix. it." I gritt out, my hands tightening to a fist.

He regards me for a second, "And how do you expect me to do that, Shoto? It's not like I can just burst into the hero commission and demand they decline her request." His smarmy attitude was getting on my last nerve.

I slam my fist onto the dinner table, knocking his tea over. A frown graces his lips at the sight of the spilt liquid. "No. But you're the No. 2 hero. If you spoke out about your view on the matter, people will listen." He then looks at me.

"And what good will that do me?" His brow raises imperceptibly. I want to punch him in the face so bad right now. "It will bring your son back to you." He levels me with a challenging look almost as if we were having a staring war.

He sighs heavily and stands up, "Fine but I expect your best behavior for what I'm about to do." I win. He walks out and I hear the front door slam shut.

One down, two more to go.


I stand infront of the U.A building, pushing my pride down and walking into the main building. As I walk down the halls, I see everyone's eyes follow me, whispers being shared.

I've been a hot topic on the news channels ever since Ikari's appeal. If they didn't know me before, they sure as hell do now.

I make my way to the teachers lounge, searching for one man in particular. I open the door and scour the room, a few teachers turning to look at me.

I see the man I'm looking for and go to make my way over. A force pulls me back and I don't have to turn around to know who it is.

"Shoto Todoroki." Aizawa sounds angry as he says my name slowly and I can't help the pursing of my lips as he flips me around in his capture weapon. He narrows his eyes at me, "Are you going to freeze me again?" I shake my head.

He sighs, placing me on the ground, "You had me worried, Todoroki. Where were you?" I decide to answer him truthfully. "I went to stay with my mother for a while." I grab my hair with one hand.

"It's just she was convicted and I couldn't be around here without her..." Tears hit my eyes for a second, "And now I might lose her for good." Aizawa sighs as a tear rolls down my face.

He places a hand on my shoulder, "You're not expelled. The school and I talked it over and we decided you needed space to grieve." I wiped my face and nodded.

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