sixty six

321 14 6

It had been a week since my fight with Shoto and to say I had been bummed out would be an understatement. He hasn't returned, Aizawa telling me he went to stay with his mother.

I ate dinner at the dorms tonight, Mina sitting next to me and Katsuki and Kirishima across from us. I picked at the chicken and rice on my plate, a permanent frown settled on my face.

I wouldn't say the atmosphere was awkward but it wasn't exactly lively either. Mina tried to talk to me but my replies were rather dry, not feeling in the best of moods.

The door to the dorms opened and my eyes shot up to see Shoto walk through the door. His eyes found mine and we stared at eachother for a long minute, the class turning silent and watching our interaction.

He then broke it and disappeared into the elevator, the ding of the elevator left in his wake. I dropped my fork, the sound of ceramic on metal sounding through the common room.

I then groaned, burying my face in my hands. I'm sure the entire class were looking at me but I didn't care. I didn't care because my heart felt heavy, my stomach tight. Fighting with Shoto made me physically ill. And maybe, just maybe, he meant it when he said we were over.

"Just talk to him, dumbass." Katsuki muttered making me glance up at him. "I fucked up." He nodded his head in a lethargic manner, eyes on his food.

"You did and so did he," He wasn't exactly helping my guilt but I guess he never does bullshit me. "But you have to talk it out, stupid." Mina raised a brow, I hadn't told her what had happened between Shoto and I.

I sighed, looking back at my plate of food. "You're right." After a few more bites and plenty of stalling—helping Midoriya with the dishes that made Katsuki blow up at me to stop stalling—I stood infornt of his room.

I knocked the door many a time but there was no answer. I took it upon myself to walk into his room, the door to the balcony wide open. Furrowing my brows, I walked out onto his balcony and looked up at the roof.

He sat on the roof with his forearm on a leg while the other lay flat on the roof. I hesitated but ultimately decided to teleport next to him. He didn't flinch, his eyes still looking out to the moon.

When he didn't turn me away, I took a seat next to him. Curling my legs close to my chest, I let my head rest on my knees. It was quiet for a long while but I didn't mind.

The night sky was enticing, stars glittering around the vibrant moon. A few dark clouds sat in the sky too. The breeze was cold against my skin but I wasn't exactly complaining due to my erratic heart.

I wanted to break the silence because I had so much to say and my heart felt heavier carrying it all around. Nerves touched my stomach but I pushed through them because it was too late to back out.

"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time causing my eyes to widen as I turned to look at him. "Why are you apologizing?" We both said to eachother making a chuckle sound through him.

I smiled, "Are you going to copy everything I say or are you going to listen to your soulmate?" My cheeky tone made him roll his eyes in amusement, turning his body towards me.

I was so thankful he wasn't ignoring me, I thought he'd hate me. Sighing, I spoke, "I should have never written that note, Sho. It's just I felt so much pain and it was hard to bare alone, it was the only way out I saw." He didn't interrupt me, he just let me speak.

"Your trauma and mine are different but that doesn't mean one is less or more detrimental than the other. And I'm sorry for saying you weren't enough because you are enough."

"You're everything to me, Sho. Nothing compares to how strongly I feel for you. You're my soulmate, my life partner and you mean so much to me. Please forgive me for being an asshole."

When he was sure I was done, he rubbed his hand over his face and spoke, "I'm the asshole, love. I was angry and I shouted at you when I should have been hugging you and reassuring you that we'd get through it together. I guess I was mad at myself for not seeing it and inturn took it out on you, which isn't right."

I frowned and shook my head making him counter me with a nod. "You had every right to be mad, Sho." He shook his head in response, his eyes sincere as they pierced through the night.

"I invalidated your feelings with my own fear. I should have been there for you. I was a complete idiot. Forgive me?" He asked with a hopeful expression. I opened my mouth to respond but he held a finger up, telling me he'd be right back.

A few seconds passed until he climbed back onto the roof, basket in his hands. Sitting next to me, he placed the basket between us. I gave him a curious look and he gestured to the basket.

Opening it, there were chocolates galore, snacks and a hoodie. "Forgive me, please?" I looked up at him to see him holding a bouquet of red roses. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of the handsome boy holding roses for me.

"For me?" I muttered and he smirked, nodding in response. I flew into his arms, wrapping him in a hug that he greatfully returned. He placed the roses in the basket that was now behind us to hug me back.

His touch seared through my clothes, feeling as if I was almost scolded by him. It was like a firey furnace but instead of burning me, he left butterflies in his wake.

After our hug, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. We watched the stars for a good while, them twinkling in the skyline above the trees across the road from our dorm.

He pressed a kiss into my hair, his face buried in my hair for a second. He sighed, whispering into my hair. "I missed you so much, love." That nickname causes my head to spin, it's intoxicating.

I muttered a sound of agreement and he pulled me onto his lap making me squeak. I placed a hand on his chest to stable myself, his hand on my cheek and the other on my lower back.

Looking into his eyes, I knew I'd be fine. I'd get through this and come out stronger than ever because that's who I am, I survived the league—the most evil criminal organization in the world.

I can survive myself.



Just Shoto and Ikari being idiots but mainly Shoto, yk. I feel like alot of the Shoto fics I read always portray him as this perfect guy who doesn't make mistakes.

When in reality, everyone makes mistakes but it's how they make up for them and acknowledge them that count. No couple is perfect either so I wanted to show that with these last few chapters.

Anyway, back to the scheduled cute moments and trauma😋😋

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